Līga - Palestīna 82.sezona

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Season 41 (9)

it Stedima >> pirmdiena oktobris 15 - 21:02

Finally, we have a good play of a Palestine League, and it's time to have a seriusly competitive, for a 6th place for international league, so good luck for  a next season, and if win the best!

it Stedima
nl Glory >> otrdiena oktobris 16 - 10:28

Thanks and good luck!

nl Glory
Zaļš gurķis
no Lied >> trešdiena oktobris 17 - 14:20

I don't have high hopes for the first season, but lets aim to improve the league over time.

no Lied
Zaļš gurķis
nl Counter_Culture >> piektdiena oktobris 19 - 13:31

Hey everyone,

Welcome to the Palestinean league!!! :-) :-) :-)

I'm really excited about the fact that we went from 4 to 9 teams, it will make the league a lot more competitive. I hope we can improve the league coefficient within a few seasons so we can finally have some Palestinean teams in the group stages of the Champions League and Asian League.

Good luck!

nl Counter_Culture
Zaļš gurķis
ng Reiqnz >> piektdiena novembris 9 - 09:54, Labots piektdiena novembris 9 - 14:25

:raising_hand: Hi everyone. It's been a while i commented on a forum like this due to some difficulties. I want to use this opportunty to say welcome to all the new palestine league managers and good luck too you all.cool

ng Reiqnz
it AS Latina
nl Counter_Culture >> pirmdiena novembris 12 - 07:16

You're doing well this season Reiqnz! You beat me in the cup and are ahead of me in the league as well... Good luck!

nl Counter_Culture
Zaļš gurķis
ng Reiqnz >> trešdiena novembris 21 - 15:10

Counter culture you remain my greatest rival on RS.  Thanks BRO. And congratulations In advance for winning the league.

ng Reiqnz
it AS Latina
nl Counter_Culture >> piektdiena novembris 30 - 14:09

Thanks! I'm expecting a tough competition next season... :-)

nl Counter_Culture
Zaļš gurķis