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Paraguay NT (3)

in viktor >> trešdiena februāris 11 - 01:12
This seems as good a place as any to create this thread.
I was picked to manage the Paraguay NT and am delighted at the opportunity. The team seems competent enough and we should be able to snag a qualification spot provided the odds are in our favor. I m trying to decide if the team should include 7-8 players of the future +
15-16 best players or to just have 23 best players in the nation. It would be nice to get your inputs about the composition of 23 you would prefer or any other suggestions you have.
Good Luck with your season!
in viktor
in Air FC
py Cayetano >> sestdiena aprīlis 4 - 17:34, Labots sestdiena aprīlis 4 - 17:41
Hellol Viktor and congratulations for your NT appointment.

I just read your threat and I am sorry for not replying earlier. I vote to have 7-8 future and 15-16 best players. I also recommend to use all the maximum experience games to all of them if possible, giving the future stars the Interland games so everyone can play and improve at the maximum level.

Congratulations for the WC qualifications! Historical achievement, first in the group!

Thanks and good luck
py Cayetano
in viktor >> piektdiena maijs 15 - 13:33
Sorry about that guys! I did not account for an AM red card. Thanks to each and everyone of you for your support especially everyone who trained an NT player. Without you we could not have qualified for the World cup.
GL with the next season
in viktor
in Air FC