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Season 3 League (6)

sco Aj >> otrdiena maijs 21 - 12:13
Welcome to season 3 league.
sco Aj
Zaļš gurķis
sco Aj >> otrdiena maijs 21 - 12:15
Looking forward to this season, Hopefully we will do better this time around.
sco Aj
Zaļš gurķis
sco Scotland1983 >> trešdiena maijs 22 - 21:17
this season should be closer i suspect anyway and i am glad to see a scottish team win a match in europe already too thats a great start already to the season this season may have some good shock results and the new top team wolves will be impressive i sense indeed i see other pontential title challengers this season too:)
sco Scotland1983
Zaļš gurķis
sco JoniGranate >> svētdiena jūnijs 23 - 18:58
We have three big teams, I think: Wolves, Eusko Real and MegaChampions. The others team are far away from your level. Including me, of course.

I found a good tactic too late for the title, but well... I'm investing in my youth team all the money I have! In few seasons, I hope to win something.
sco JoniGranate
sco Scotland1983 >> trešdiena jūnijs 26 - 21:19
hmm there is some impresive teams outside the big 3 including some below top division for now the future is interesting thats why my team is being rebuilt just noe to be ready for it:) next season you will do better especially if you are smart with money too:)
sco Scotland1983
Zaļš gurķis
sco JoniGranate >> trešdiena jūnijs 26 - 22:44
:P I need a few more seasons to be ready for the tittle... I have some really interesting players in my Sub team, but I have to wait a little bit more.
sco JoniGranate