Līga - Skotija 39.sezona

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i have gone as far as i can with MegaChampions FC of scotland so have left a team for next boss (2)

sco Scotland1983 >> svētdiena jūlijs 5 - 02:06

I love my team deeply but need a new challenge now I know I cant do much new or  a europeon run in Scotland for now and have done all I can in Scotland for now I may return one day and will always support my nation with all my heart but I need a new  challenge now  I will watch Scotland with deep interest always and wish all Scottish teams and Scotland the best of luck for the future

sco Scotland1983
Zaļš gurķis
sco bikerdundee >> trešdiena jūlijs 8 - 23:53

Good luck for the future!

sco bikerdundee
sco Dundee Town