Līga - Skotija 83.sezona

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Apspried savas līgas aktualitātes. Kurš ir šīs sezonas galvenais favorīts uz uzvaru kopvērtējumā? Kuras komandas pacelsies uz augstāku līgu vai nokritīs zemāk? Kā katram sokas kausa izcīņā?

Atgriezties diskusiju sākumlapā

i am selling foo all my 27 year olds and over and may accept good offers on other players too (1)

sco Scotland1983 >> pirmdiena aprīlis 22 - 15:34
if you want a new player or players check out my team and see if you want any of the players for sale or another one i need major money for for my faciltys and i have set end of season prize money for youth centre lv 6 so i need to reduce wage bill and get money from selling players to do this too once each week unless i win prize money i am just breaking even now but only the 27 year olds or over will be automatically accepted for a good price the rest you will need to ask about:)
sco Scotland1983
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