Līga - Uganda 27.sezona

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Season 35 (3)

be Eckhart >> pirmdiena decembris 11 - 20:10

Good luck to everyone in season 35, the continental competition and the internal competition.

Lets make Oeganda great!

be Eckhart
in FC Ulhasnagar
nl R >> piektdiena decembris 15 - 08:47

Good luck to all of you indeed. Hakuna Matata had a decent start with two wins in the first qualifying round of the African Champions League, but will now face a very tough opponent. Hopefully we can provide a big surprise to the fans, and score some points for Uganda! 

nl R
ug Hakuna Matata
be Eckhart >> piektdiena decembris 22 - 18:30

Sadly enough i couldnt make a upset in my game :(

But than again, i just started this team. Ill make work of growing fast and than improving the skill in the team ;)

be Eckhart
in FC Ulhasnagar