Līga - Uganda 33.sezona

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™ Uganda forum discussions™ (1)

dm ѕυвķιd >> piektdiena jūnijs 20 - 05:39
Hello, everyone. It will be interesting if we managers can keep this league acomapny. Are u fighting for top 4 to gain international tickets? Is dis the 1st time ur club will play international matches? How are u doing in the cup? Are ur youth strong enouf to win first ever youth cup? Give ur inteview here. Discuss ur frustration, ur best achievement so far as a coach, ur target in each season etc. Am not concern about my club only but also how i can help this contry to get higher in ranking that is why am fighting to gain international tickets if we can qualify to CL or europa league by then i will pull a suprise to everyone and try win some points in dis contry.
dm ѕυвķιd
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