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Season 9 (9)

us ranks39 >> ceturtdiena aprīlis 3 - 14:28
This is the catch-all thread for anything and everything related to season 9! FC Appleton 13, gets 3 points in their home opener today, winning 2-1! We were down 1-0 at the half, but quickly turned the game into our favor, with two quick goals in the second half. FC Pirate has a very tough team, we were lucky to get the home game this time.
us ranks39
Zaļš gurķis
us Topeka
us Ignition >> svētdiena aprīlis 6 - 04:18
I certainly wasn't expecting a game like that against Appleton. I guess it was just one of those games.
us Ignition
Zaļš gurķis
us ranks39 >> svētdiena aprīlis 6 - 22:46
I got flat-out stomped....that was a surprise to me too...good game!
us ranks39
Zaļš gurķis
us Topeka
us ranks39 >> pirmdiena aprīlis 7 - 15:13
Today was a tough draw for me; one of my top defenders went down with an injury early in the match, then my first-choice keeper went down in the first half(we then conceded 2 quick goals). We found an equalizer later, but it was a bitter draw.
us ranks39
Zaļš gurķis
us Topeka
us Ignition >> pirmdiena aprīlis 7 - 20:36
Another very odd game. 9 total goals, and my opponent has three injuries. quite unlucky for him.
us Ignition
Zaļš gurķis
us slegek >> pirmdiena aprīlis 14 - 00:00
had my first loss of the season, sure it won't be the last one.
us slegek
us ranks39 >> pirmdiena aprīlis 14 - 16:34
Quite a run you had! It should be a fun battle for the top 5 spots this year.
us ranks39
Zaļš gurķis
us Topeka
us slegek >> pirmdiena maijs 5 - 22:54
The top 5 is pretty close. Will Seattle Albatrosses SC be able to hold on to the 1st spot until the end of the season or will somebody be able to contest their dominance?
us slegek
us ranks39 >> piektdiena maijs 9 - 14:09
It's official.....I'll be joining all you knuckleheads that will be in League 2 again next year! Looking forward to playing you all again!
us ranks39
Zaļš gurķis
us Topeka