Līga - ASV 44.sezona [2]

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Season 77 (4)

us britrock88 >> sestdiena decembris 23 - 19:41

Belated entry here. But interesting to see that it's a bit tighter at the top with 5 teams within 3 points of 1st position at the 1/3rd mark of the season.

us britrock88
us Madisonians
us Xandy >> sestdiena janvāris 13 - 04:06, Labots sestdiena janvāris 13 - 04:08

With five games to go we are pleasantly surprised to be one of the 4 teams fighting for the last playoff spot

us Xandy
us Plano happyfeet
us britrock88 >> otrdiena janvāris 16 - 17:54

Congrats to Lake Forrest, who just clinched the title after we couldn't get a goal past Tyler South and Richmond.

us britrock88
us Madisonians
us Xandy >> sestdiena janvāris 20 - 02:29

Congrats Madisonians on winning playoffs#1 

us Xandy
us Plano happyfeet