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Us national team (653)

us Mercuric >> piektdiena aprīlis 3 - 04:25, Labots piektdiena aprīlis 3 - 04:38
Well done! Before we start celebrating, though...

Canada can displace St. Kitts and Nevis. If this happens and somehow French Guyana ends up in last place, Canada will jump us because they somehow only managed to get 2 draws against them.

Mexico can still overtake Haiti today, which would put them on level terms with us, bringing it down to goal difference.

Panama can still overtake us in overall points standings.

So while the above scenario is unlikely, (and every result has to go against us) I do hope it doesn't happen.

Even if all that happens, Martinique can still save us if they can beat Sint Maarten.

It feels like these 5 team groups are a big disadvantage...

The US should be in. Very likely.

Sorry for being such a downer. By my calculations 7 games need to go a specific way for the US not to make it. For all intents and purposes, we are in.

Congrats John! I am confident that you will see the team through the playoffs to the World Cup!
us Mercuric
us John Deatrick >> piektdiena aprīlis 3 - 05:33
Yeah. Hope we get a good draw next round
us John Deatrick
Zaļš gurķis
us Mercuric >> piektdiena aprīlis 3 - 13:30
Mexico drew, so it's official that we are on the way to the next round.

I have no idea which team would be easiest for the next round, though.
us Mercuric
us John Deatrick >> svētdiena aprīlis 5 - 03:37
We drew sint maarten. Will be tough but I am optimistic.
us John Deatrick
Zaļš gurķis
us valentine >> trešdiena aprīlis 15 - 13:51
Big congrats, United States has officially qualified into World Cup!
us valentine
us Pittsburgh Riverhounds
us cdowne >> trešdiena aprīlis 15 - 14:05
phew, tough match-up with St. Maarten. Well done to advance.
us cdowne
us Sidney Town FC
us ranks39 >> trešdiena aprīlis 15 - 15:27
Good Work, great to see the run continue!
us ranks39
Zaļš gurķis
us Mercuric >> trešdiena aprīlis 15 - 16:26
Was that Low Risk Scoring? That was a tense match to watch, glad you got a goal to save us from extra time!
us Mercuric
us Ulysses >> trešdiena aprīlis 15 - 23:58, Labots ceturtdiena aprīlis 16 - 00:00
Good job!
us Ulysses
us Polar Bear Council FC
us John Deatrick >> ceturtdiena aprīlis 16 - 15:58
Normal scoring
us John Deatrick
Zaļš gurķis
us John Deatrick >> otrdiena aprīlis 28 - 18:20
Potential nominees for usmnt Mgr need to come forward so we can decide now and not split votes.
us John Deatrick
Zaļš gurķis
us cdowne >> otrdiena aprīlis 28 - 19:41
I will throw my hat in the ring. I've been managing Montserrat and have enjoyed the international experience.

Like John Deatrick, I don't want to split votes. I would like this to be something of a group decision so we're not siphoning votes from each other.
us cdowne
us Sidney Town FC
us John Deatrick >> trešdiena aprīlis 29 - 21:28
My vote is for whoever runs against cdowne.

Haha jk.

He's taken my slot in the top 4 in league, so he's doing something right!
us John Deatrick
Zaļš gurķis
us John Deatrick >> sestdiena maijs 2 - 01:30
Unless someone else steps up it looks like cdowne will be our guy
us John Deatrick
Zaļš gurķis
us cdowne >> pirmdiena maijs 4 - 14:26
I'm honored to be a candidate for US National Team manager. I'll officially declare today.

If anyone else is interested please let us know.
us cdowne
us Sidney Town FC