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How strange is season 55? (3)

us Legends_SC >> pirmdiena novembris 9 - 16:47

I have been surprised by how strange some of the results seem to be this season.  It seems like the match engines may have changed a bit.  I know for me, I have won games by large margins that don't show up in the match analysis and then lost games that, again based on match analysis, seem as an outlier result.  I find it strange how 7-8 teams are within 3-5 points of the top and yet, it looks like there are clearly one or two top teams.  Any one else finding some of their results surprising?

us Legends_SC
us Legends SC
us Kratos >> ceturtdiena novembris 12 - 11:07

Im winning alot more than I expected. I usually set my team up to how I expect to get a draw and been getting pretty lucky in my opinion and winning.

us Kratos
us FC Wichita
us Kratos >> sestdiena novembris 14 - 11:09

Another surprise win for my team. I would like to chalk it up to my superior tactics but im not sure. I go for minimizing defeats at home and been winning 1-0. Ill take it haha.

us Kratos
us FC Wichita