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Thoughts on the new changes. (6)

us karl1962 >> sestdiena oktobris 14 - 02:19

I'm still saving for my level 11 stadium so I'm not sure what to think. 

us karl1962
us Rocky Mountain Huskies
us Dences >> sestdiena oktobris 14 - 13:47, Labots sestdiena oktobris 14 - 13:47

I'm only about 250M off of my ST 11 but my bigger issue right now is still popularity. It takes me playing one of the 6 teams with over 4.2M popularity to sell out or get enough attentandce that would even let me upgrade. I'm probably going to end up with an upgrade or two before I think about ST anyway.

us Dences
Zaļš gurķis
us Ulysses >> sestdiena oktobris 14 - 14:36, Labots sestdiena oktobris 14 - 14:39

You need to be selling ~86% of your capacity at stadium 10 to break even at stadium 11 (over the course of the season) with regard to the extra profits from higher prices per ticket compared to the extra maintenance fees for upgrading from stadium 10 to stadium 11.  It will take you 4 seasons to build stadium 11, so you have four seasons to pass that threshold.

With that said, it could still take a while longer to seriously begin profiting from it.  In addition, there's the opportunity cost of putting off whatever other upgrades you might have pursued for 4 seasons while a lot of other teams build those upgrades.  Keep in mind that too many upgrades could make stadium 11 even harder to achieve in the future.  Also keep in mind that you'll get a lot of interest if you hold the money longer, even if interest is being slightly nerfed.

I'm going to finish my office 10 for half a season before starting any upgrades.

I've considered ignoring the upgrades for a while to amass a fortune before I build them and diminish my capacity to earn money in the future when my facilities are maxed, constrained by economic limitations.  Of course, the advantage conveyed by the facilities might offset the extra money - I might not be able to buy the team I might otherwise have been able to build in the short run, though in the long run I can have maxed facilities with substantial reserves to supplement my roster from the market.  I likely won't go this route, but I've at least considered it.

I wonder if in the future, elite youth centers will ever sell their players given the decreasing yield at the higher levels.  Will it be possible to max the training complex and purchase a supertalent from a max youth center?

I made a chart before of expected experience per season from different combinations, and building them evenly to 13 seemed like the best route to me.

us Ulysses
us Polar Bear Council FC
us Cooper >> sestdiena oktobris 14 - 17:57

My stadium 11 will be done in 7 days, timing worked out well on that. I'll probably upgrade training then youth alternating for as long as finances will support it. I've got 1 billion in the bank, so the only issue should be maintenance.

us Cooper
us Mercuric >> sestdiena oktobris 14 - 17:58

My problem is that if I were to expand either my Youth Center or my Training Complex, I would only be able to expand it twice given my current revenue and at that point revenue would slow to a crawl, so I have no choice but to go for the Stadium expansion, but I don't yet have the money for it.

us Mercuric
us Ulysses >> pirmdiena oktobris 16 - 09:20

I think that anything higher than youth center 13 will force teams to field unbalanced teams unless you sell players, but that defeats the purpose of investing in better players.  With enough popularity and maximum income from all other areas, a level 16 youth center might be barely sustainable, though you would have to fill out half of your team and the backups with 10,000,000- players.  It would require a second 10-star catering staff member, 1,000,000 billion reserved for producing interest (therefore a level 10 office), and the best sponsor possible (again, a level 10 office).  In general, I think TC+YC=28 is the maximum possible, assuming TC and YC are close, maybe more if you build reserves to cover finances until you have to downgrade.  With that said, the second TC or YC staff members add more than the additional TC or YC level enabled by the second CT staff member.

I plan to go for TC13 and YC13 and maybe upgrade TC to 14 depending on my finances at the time.  I'll likely build YC11 first to ensure talent>5 and then keep TC greater than or equal to YC due to the relative maintenance costs.

I'll probably also build SO12 for the new creatable supertalent.  I've been developing a second 10-star SO staff member so I can briefly switch to 2 SO's as needed, when possible.

I'm not going to bother with HC11+ (I might even leave it at HC8 until my TC and YC are done), though I can possibly see a team upgtrading TC and YC to build an elite team and then downgrading them to redistribute focus to the health center to give the team an extra competitive advantage for the completed roster.

The construction master looks like a good alternative to wasting a staff member on the museum (though I might switch to the museum once all other facilities are done).

Poacher looks like a good incentive to have a forward in the middle even though there is usually more opposition there.

Freestyler looks like it might make the central AM more useful against 5 defender teams.

Agile could be useful on offense to strengthen the offensive side of the game.

Fast learner looks good for backups that you don't want to use unless necessary.

Nationalistic won't help most teams and won't help the rest that much unless you have more than one of them on a team primarily comprised of one nation.

Concentrated should help balance the side and central defense.

Greedy is largely irrelevant.

Creative might help create some more upsets, assuming your forward doesn't get the boosts while on defense all the time.

Vain and modest look like a nuisance to manage but could be useful if you happen to have the right situation with sufficient confidence.

us Ulysses
us Polar Bear Council FC