Līga - ASV 55.sezona

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Atgriezties diskusiju sākumlapā

Retiring (19)

us Calcium >> ceturtdiena oktobris 2 - 01:33
Yep, thanks guys, and good luck to all of you. Keep that American winning tradition strong! Also, I thought I would mention that I am going with Mr. Deatrick's suggestion and handing management over to cdowne of FC Omar.
us Calcium
Zaļš gurķis
us valentine >> ceturtdiena oktobris 2 - 12:35
Sorry to hear that, Calcium. You are one of the few managers still keeping competitive from the first season. It's a pity American League is losing you. Good luck in school and have fun.!
us valentine
us Pittsburgh Riverhounds
us John Deatrick >> sestdiena oktobris 4 - 01:44
Welcome to the party, cdowne.
us John Deatrick
Zaļš gurķis
us cdowne >> sestdiena oktobris 4 - 03:33
Hello all,
Thank you John for the tip on Calcium retiring. I am excited to compete in league 1. It seems that you all have a great camaradarie and I'm happy to be a pet of the competition.
us cdowne
us Sidney Town FC