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North American Championships (20)

vn ATM >> sestdiena decembris 14 - 16:28
Congratulations Valentine.
vn ATM
us Tintin >> sestdiena decembris 14 - 17:38
Woohooo great work valentine!! I enjoy that shining Cup in our gallery!! You are quite a tactician, we defended so well and attacked sharply this match. You like my Harry Nguyen, don't you ? ;)

It's a bit frustrating that Holger can't score one more goal to claim the Top Goalscorer but that is minor, we achieved what we aim for! Let's open a party here!!!
us Tintin
us ranks39 >> sestdiena decembris 14 - 21:21
Good work Valentine!
us ranks39
Zaļš gurķis
us Ulysses >> sestdiena decembris 14 - 23:04, Labots sestdiena decembris 14 - 23:12
The most important thing is that I earned $339,500 in the process....not really though. Congratulations to the United States national team! The next step is the World Cup.
us Ulysses
us Polar Bear Council FC
us Cooper >> svētdiena decembris 15 - 12:36
That's awesome!! Great job Valentine, and congrats to everyone that had players on the team. It's so good to see the US dominating the region at both the club and international level. I wish the real world could be a bit more like this game (although the real national team did do very well in the region this year).
I suppose I can now start making a small contribution to the national team this season by adding TV money to the teams where a lot of our US internationals play to aid in their training :). Keep up the good work in the World Cup qualifiers.
us Cooper