Līga - ASV 67.sezona

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Facility level (51)

us valentine >> pirmdiena septembris 23 - 03:51
This is a thread to show your facility level and future upgrades, here's mine:

Training complex 6
Stadium 4
Scout's office 3
Youth center 6
Health center 4
Fanshop 4
Catering 4

Hope I can upgrade my stadium by the end of this season.
us valentine
us Pittsburgh Riverhounds
us Ulysses >> pirmdiena septembris 23 - 03:54
Training complex 6
Stadium 4
Scout's office 5
Youth center 6
Health center 4
Fanshop 4
Catering 4

I will upgrade my stadium when I can sell enough seats for 4 of 5 games.
us Ulysses
us Polar Bear Council FC
us Tintin >> pirmdiena septembris 23 - 06:33
Man you guys are good!
Training: 6
Stadium: 4
Scout office: 5
Youth: 6
Fanshop: 3
Catering: 3
Health Center: 4

Looks like you guys have plenty more money than I do somehow...
us Tintin
vn Kyshiro >> pirmdiena septembris 23 - 09:06
Wow, u guys have much better facilities than me.
Training: 5 and is on the way to 6 now
Stadium: 3
Scout office: 5
Youth: 6
Fanshop: 3
Catering: 3
Health Center: 3.
Hope I can afford to upgrade my stadium in the end of this season.
vn Kyshiro
us Calcium >> trešdiena septembris 25 - 02:01
Wow, guess i'm not doing to well on the facilities race then.

Training: 5 (Will be 6 in 5 days)
Stadium: 4
Scout Office: 2
Youth Center: 6
Health Center: 3
Fanshop: 3
Catering: 3

Will probably be looking for another Stadium/Youth upgrade by the end of the season.
us Calcium
Zaļš gurķis
vn ATM >> trešdiena septembris 25 - 02:22
Training: 6
Stadium: 4
Scout Office: 5
Youth Center: 7
Health Center: 3
Fanshop: 4
Catering: 3
vn ATM
vn Tak >> trešdiena septembris 25 - 04:15
I'm so envy you guys. Mine:

Training: 6
Stadium: 4
Scout office: 5
Youth: 5
Health Center: 3
Fanshop: 3
Catering: 3

HC lv.3 gives me a real headache, and it seems to be an injure per match :(
vn Tak
Zaļš gurķis
us Ulysses >> otrdiena oktobris 8 - 20:12
I finally upgraded my stadium to level 5. As far as I'm concerned, I've accomplished my primary goal for this season.
us Ulysses
us Polar Bear Council FC
us Tintin >> otrdiena oktobris 8 - 23:24
Wow that's really amazing that you can fill your stadium on League game! I usually got around 6k attendance only.
us Tintin
us Ulysses >> trešdiena oktobris 9 - 01:03, Labots trešdiena oktobris 9 - 01:04
I only need to sell 6.4k for the purposes of the upgrade. I've just recently started selling more than 6k on a consistent basis (though I've averaged about 7k during the last few games). It helps that I showed up to 2 games and have played against a lot of popular and good teams in the last 5 games.
us Ulysses
us Polar Bear Council FC
us valentine >> trešdiena oktobris 9 - 03:07
My construction of Level 5 stadium is finally done! I'm also happy that I finish it just before the semi-final of Champion League.
us valentine
us Pittsburgh Riverhounds
us jpeso >> trešdiena oktobris 16 - 16:09, Labots trešdiena oktobris 16 - 16:13
I donot intend to hijack this thread but Question to yall in the "LEAGUE":should I build a level 5 stadium or should I build the YA upto 6?
Popularity =223,363
I guess if I upgrade, I need an attendance upwards of 5500 to make the money back in about 2-3 seasons
us jpeso
us Richmond
us jpeso >> trešdiena oktobris 16 - 16:37
BAsed on SEattle Cataclysm and Enhac Kavay's popularities I guess I d need around 300k+ to get regilar fan attendances above 55k. That is a long way to go -I guess I ll u/g the Ya thanks yall
us jpeso
us Richmond
us Tintin >> trešdiena oktobris 16 - 20:01
I'd definitely say YA 6 then stadium 5. I'm upgrading YA 7 now but I only have stadium 4...
us Tintin
us Calcium >> trešdiena oktobris 16 - 23:01
I'm actually doing the same exact thing right now Tintin.....lol
us Calcium
Zaļš gurķis