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Season 28 (74)

us Ulysses >> svētdiena decembris 18 - 23:57
Good luck to everyone in season 28!

It's about time someone created the new topic.
us Ulysses
us Polar Bear Council FC
us Mike >> pirmdiena decembris 19 - 17:55
Very happy to be in 4th place after 4 games though I know it will be short lived with a likely Riverhounds beatdown on the road tonight at the tail end of 3 games in 10 hours. More excited about winning my first leg of the U21 Champions cup, having only 2 players 25 or older and realizing a combined player value over $1B. Youth Center 10 at the end of January will help, too.
us Mike
us Colonials FC
us John Deatrick >> pirmdiena decembris 19 - 19:10
After many seasons with my top players loaned out, I'll be making a run at the u21 cup again. My team is mostly 20 year olds, which sets me up for a run at champions next season if I take top 2.
us John Deatrick
Zaļš gurķis
us John Deatrick >> trešdiena decembris 21 - 04:33
Good start to the season. Is this the season? Can we make riverhounds sweat?
us John Deatrick
Zaļš gurķis
us valentine >> ceturtdiena decembris 22 - 03:38
I believe this season could be a good chance for everyone, I only got one forward who could actually score...And I'm thinking about selling Carl Keener during the break...
us valentine
us Pittsburgh Riverhounds
us John Deatrick >> ceturtdiena decembris 22 - 04:51
Well I'm off to the best start I've ever had. 16-1 scoring and 7-0 record. If not now, when?
us John Deatrick
Zaļš gurķis
us John Deatrick >> sestdiena decembris 24 - 09:49
9-0. Valentine let's do this!
us John Deatrick
Zaļš gurķis
cn JACK >> sestdiena decembris 24 - 12:09
It was the worst start, the ideal defensive line. I have to upgrade the stadium. Hopefully the next 30 rounds will be better.
Zaļš gurķis
us Peter >> pirmdiena decembris 26 - 17:52
After Jack's unexpected victory over Valentine and John's victory over Ulysses, Fieras has gained 3 points over the Riverhounds!
us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
us cdowne >> pirmdiena decembris 26 - 19:15
I wonder how long its been that a team, other than the Riverhounds, was in first place after 10 games.
us cdowne
us Sidney Town FC
us John Deatrick >> pirmdiena decembris 26 - 19:18
Yeah. It's been a long time.

My teams success is inexplicable. I dont know what I'm doing different. Maybe my team has finally peaked?.

I don't think I've ever beat ulysses 3-0 on the road.

The real test will be when I play riverhounds. I have not beat his team head to head in like 10 seasons.
us John Deatrick
Zaļš gurķis
us John Deatrick >> trešdiena decembris 28 - 18:23
Bittersweet day. Mostly bitter. Got my first non-win in league but finished my fanshop 10. Also princess leia died yesterday :(.
us John Deatrick
Zaļš gurķis
us valentine >> ceturtdiena decembris 29 - 02:31, Labots ceturtdiena decembris 29 - 02:53
The force is dark yesterday...
us valentine
us Pittsburgh Riverhounds
us Ulysses >> ceturtdiena decembris 29 - 04:43
I'm finally a billionaire. Only a little under 400,000,000 to go.
us Ulysses
us Polar Bear Council FC
us John Deatrick >> sestdiena decembris 31 - 16:13
I was starting to think this season was fluke but a hard fought road win vs cdowne is making me a believer.
us John Deatrick
Zaļš gurķis