Līga - Dienvidāfrika 43.sezona

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Player weaknesses (4)

za Kokowielie >> otrdiena februāris 18 - 21:41
Dont ask me why but some foemations do work against certain players. Like fire wolves weakness is 3 5 2 formation, and achilles is 4 1 3 2, and green machines is 5 3 2, and the saints is diamond wide formation, and real city is plain 4 4 2 formation, and chelsea cape town, doesnt have a weakness lol. Loving the experience.
za Kokowielie
vn anthonio >> pirmdiena februāris 24 - 14:49
thanks for telling everyone they have a weakness yours is all formations
vn anthonio
za 安纳托利亚•尤努斯 >> piektdiena februāris 28 - 15:12
LOL. It's so frustrating that every time so difficult to beat green machine... and yes with 532, seems at least I won't be beaten...
za 安纳托利亚•尤努斯
za FC Chelsea Cape Town
ki jakes >> svētdiena marts 2 - 14:06
Tell me what is man hard not split weakness because it seems that can't beat them.
ki jakes
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