Līga - Zimbabve 36.sezona

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Atgriezties diskusiju sākumlapā

African league and African Champions league (2)

zw Sergio >> pirmdiena decembris 16 - 17:35
Wish you the best of luck to all who are playing on the continental stage. Lets make our league proud even if its our first year qualifying in this tournament.
zw Sergio
Zaļš gurķis
hk 越秀波会 >> trešdiena janvāris 15 - 14:10
I have done my best to get into the group. However, we must find that the old giants still have enough old players to beat us. I can't believe that I lost 0-7 to an old beast because I have sent all my best players in the tournament.
hk 越秀波会
zw INTER Zanetti