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Free solid teams (GLOBAL) (2495)

hu David >> Среда Април 17 - 09:14


hu David
hu FC Ajka
eng Monk >> Среда Април 17 - 09:22


The bot team is 34th in the European coefficient rankings, so it is too high for another player to take on. Once it drops out of the top 50/top 100 (I can't remember which) then it'll become available to manage.

eng Monk
eng Scammonden Daoists
eng Stephen >> Среда Април 17 - 09:45

@monk @getas: pretty sure it's just the top 50

eng Stephen
Главен админ
eng Seaburn Beach
gr Getas >> Среда Април 17 - 11:12

@monk @Stephen:

Thanks guys! I had reposted the Q here: https://rockingsoccer.com/el/soccer/forum/home-en/1?topic=88289&posts=6

and the everpresent Numpty confirmed my suspitions:

(Manual): "Teams that are in the top 50 of the coefficient ranking can not be taken over by a new manager. Only the last manager of this club can regain control of it."

Numpty: "They are currently #34 in Europe, which is what counts. They'll likely drop to somewhere around #45 at the end of this season. 



gr Getas
Админ на заедницата
gr Άρις Μεσσηνίας
eng Stephen >> Среда Април 17 - 11:49

Thanks @Getas

eng Stephen
Главен админ
eng Seaburn Beach