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Англиски >> Општи дискусии

Not Frustrated at all topic. Season 9-99 (9257)

ru Ebitimi >> Четврток Мај 16 - 16:59

A quick check at your OWN museum would tell you that the meseum does not have a daily operational cost.

ru Ebitimi
bf FC Djibo
ng 11:45 >> Четврток Мај 16 - 19:46

Yes, but why is the Museum downgrading then.

All is it the work of the manager to downgrade it or the club?

ng 11:45
my MPL Elite Team
il Numpty >> Четврток Мај 16 - 20:38

It's quite simple.

The museum downgrades the manager, the manager downgrades the club and the club downgrades the museum. 

Hic ... it's my turn to get the next round in. What's everyone drinking?

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
de long >> Петок Мај 24 - 10:15

I think iam in a ´´Deathgroup´´ in Championsleague xD

de long
de FC Bayern München
ee onuelver >> Петок Мај 24 - 12:15

Weird that European 2nd ranked club with multiple trophies and regular CL finalist has no first seed and 4 clubs who never won continental trophy are seeded 1st.

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back
eng Monk >> Сабота Мај 25 - 05:21


That is definitely a group of death. Unlucky.

eng Monk
eng Scammonden Daoists
ng 11:45 >> Сабота Јуни 1 - 20:11, Уредено Сабота Јуни 1 - 20:11

I love it when you buy my match tickets


I love it when I appreciate by buying yours too.

One Family, One love.

ng 11:45
my MPL Elite Team
in viktor >> Недела Јуни 2 - 14:41, Уредено Недела Јуни 2 - 14:42

A bit of trivia : the first two times the term was used ina world cup, the eventual champion  was from the group of death 

in viktor
in Air FC
us Peter >> Понеделник Јуни 3 - 01:54

At some point in the near future my second team will literally not have enough players to field a full squad because they've all retired

us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
il Numpty >> Понеделник Јуни 3 - 05:56

Can you fire the younger ones @Peter?

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
us Peter >> Понеделник Јуни 3 - 14:06, Уредено Понеделник Јуни 3 - 14:08

Idk @Numpty but that would be boring. I want to let the whole team self destruct.

I take it back. I can't fire them because I don't have VIP and I can't access my second team. Every retirement notification comes through my first team, even though it might be about a second team player.

No VIP is part of the reason why my second team hasn't been maintained; no one there has been traded, promoted, or otherwise moved for many seasons

us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
il Numpty >> Понеделник Јуни 3 - 17:17, Уредено Понеделник Јуни 3 - 17:33

I had a quick look at the squad @Peter. 

The unusual thing is that all the youngsters (age 20-24) show no promotion date. It looks like they've all been created fairly recently, probably to bolster the squad numbers. 


After a little bit of research, I can confirm that all the younger players in the squad were created in the last few days. So it seems that the game automatically creates new players if the squad numbers fall too low. 

Pity :/

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
us Peter >> Вторник Јуни 4 - 01:07

Damn the developers are too good... they're really prepared for everything

us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
ee onuelver >> Среда Јуни 5 - 01:55

I think it has been from quite beginning because bots aged too and needed replacement. 

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back
us Joey >> Среда Јуни 5 - 09:57, Уредено Среда Јуни 5 - 10:22

We got some new emojis I see, very nice 👍

us Joey
ee Pärnu JK