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Англиски >> Натпреварувања

< Luxembourg championship > & < National of Luxembourg > (312)

eng Stephen >> Вторник Мај 28 - 15:25

The Luxembourg NT won their second game in the qualifying campaign. Only an away defeat against a very strong Germany team so far. Can the team carry on its decent start to the campaign? Let’s hope so!

eng Stephen
Главен админ
eng Seaburn Beach
it Emanuele >> Среда Мај 29 - 12:19

good win against Elder Scrolls :)

it Emanuele
lu AC Ughina
hu David >> Среда Мај 29 - 19:09

I have 10-1-0 in the 2nd division but only for the 2nd place is it enough. 
Tomorrow comes the derby at Vianden between the 2 unbeaten teams.

hu David
hu FK Sopron
eng Stephen >> Среда Мај 29 - 19:39

Wow, that is a good record and to only be second? A very competitive league!

eng Stephen
Главен админ
eng Seaburn Beach
be Bartje_vM >> Четврток Мај 30 - 10:36

It is funny. The whole time I try to make decent line-ups and I am doing very well, giving the fact that all big games against the strongest squads were all in the last games.

Yesterday I was worried about the cup match I had to play before the game with alcorcon91. But then a few friends invited me to have a drink and I am awake now, realizing that I forgot to put up a decent line-up for both games. So I am very happy to see I didn't lose against you, alcorcon91.

Haunstetten en Go Ahead Eagles Beaufort also are very strong sides, in fact, they are what quality goes better then me. But now that I am here I will try to make it for first place, second should be possible now too. I can and dare to say that promotion should be the goal, if not directly, via promotion rounds.

be Bartje_vM
in FC Farīdābād #2
hu David >> Четврток Мај 30 - 11:21

I looked your cup game vs Real Lux before our game. I was surprised, that you have sent your best team, where actually RL is much much better than your team (or even mine, doesn't matter, they are a top team in the first div). Than that's why, because you didn't made lineup for both games :)
The league is not bad, you won every games till this one today. We had a good performance, I'm satisfied with a draw in your stadium. 
Haunst and GAE are also strong teams, Haunst should play in the first league, but maybe they don't want it. 
I see what we 2 will fight for the first place, but I need to sign some stronger players to be able to move at the 1st place. I just started to develop this team, I can be satisfied with the 10-2-0 record.

hu David
hu FK Sopron
it Emanuele >> Четврток Мај 30 - 12:11

woow ... graoully runs and does not miss a match. it will be difficult to overcome it if this continues. has not lost a direct battle against the big teams.

it Emanuele
lu AC Ughina
pl marnypopis >> Четврток Мај 30 - 22:43

Still a long way to go , but loosing 7 points to the leader is much   at this stage. Nevertheless we don't give up and hoping for better second round.

pl marnypopis
lu Real Luxemburg
be Bartje_vM >> Петок Мај 31 - 17:37, Уредено Сабота Јуни 1 - 17:40
I lose the championship by losing against a bot squad while both my goalkeepers got injured.
be Bartje_vM
in FC Farīdābād #2
hu David >> Петок Мај 31 - 18:13

And I missed also 2 key midfielders and lost too :joy::joy:

hu David
hu FK Sopron
hu David >> Недела Јуни 2 - 06:51

Can't wait the new transfer season... 
I need to build, almost every game comes injuries and need to miss in the last games 1-2-3 key players...

hu David
hu FK Sopron
it Emanuele >> Недела Јуни 2 - 10:40

the new players you buy will decide most of the championship.

it Emanuele
lu AC Ughina
it Emanuele >> Сабота Јуни 8 - 17:20

the next two matches are very important for the rest of the season

it Emanuele
lu AC Ughina
it Emanuele >> Недела Јуни 9 - 19:15

wooow great major victory against Real Luxemburg away thanks to an immense and very strong joel Paschal author of 1 goals and 1 assist to sanction the comeback. successful tactics (counter-attack and sw side attack).

it Emanuele
lu AC Ughina
be Bartje_vM >> Недела Јуни 16 - 15:20, Уредено Недела Јуни 16 - 15:34

@Emanuele You are doing great this season. Close win this afternoon I saw, but you didn't lose your recent matches against Elder Scrolls and Graoully. It is a really tight and intense fight for the three top places in first division. Losing any points against teams 4->6 could be crucial...

In second division I am still in the lead and I am now closer tot he championship because of the leaving of Alcorcon91. In the 2nd round I managed to win against Haunstetten en Go Ahead Eagles Beaufort, the two strongest squads in our league and I drawed against FC Steinfort, the (now) bot squad in second spot. I was unlucky against Dudelange #4, against who I also couldn't score and the second 0-0 was the result. The fight for the championship is still not over, but now I have some more easier matches to play. The key is not to lose any points and not lose any points against the weak opponents. The last three games will decide who takes it: a bot squad or me. ;)

But perhaps more important in the long run for me: my training level 10 is almost ready and by then I have just saved enough money to increase (finally!) my stadium level!

@Alcorcon91: Good luck with the new team. It is good to have a new human squad in second division next season.

@Stephen: Good luck against Gibraltar with the national team tomorrow. It could turn out to be a quite decisive game in the long run. I hope give those mountain habitants a serious blow. ;)

be Bartje_vM
in FC Farīdābād #2