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Forum Alerts (7)

ie Dave >> Понеделник Декември 16 - 03:51
It would be handy to get alerts when someone posts on a topic you've commented on in the general forum,league and national one..im sure ive read this somewhere already but just to bring the issue back up.

As a lot of the time i just don't think to check.It would also allow for better discussions.
ie Dave
eng Kezza >> Понеделник Декември 16 - 07:18
One problem with this is some will end up getting intrusive alerts every 5 minutes!

A couple of days ago there was 10 topics I had previously commented on that had new posts!

Maybe topics you start could have alerts? Think that would be better?
eng Kezza
ie Dave >> Понеделник Декември 16 - 14:34
Yeah our else a daily update perhaps rather than one for every comment you just get kind of a daily supplement of the topics you've posted in.

Topics you start yourself would work to though
ie Dave
cw HyperInActief >> Понеделник Декември 16 - 15:38
A daily update is kinda useless.
The topics you posted in are already shown at the top of the forum page when someone posted there.
So the only thing you need to do is check forum once a day and you already get the update...
cw HyperInActief
ua ... >> Понеделник Декември 16 - 18:55
For me that's okay, as long as I can switch it off, because I for one don't want this ;-)
ua ...
ie Dave >> Вторник Декември 17 - 21:44
Not with League and National Forums though
ie Dave
fr TONTONKAL >> Среда Декември 18 - 18:06
It was indeed discussed before. I was in favor of a dedicated space in the forum section where you can subscribe to threads.
I would like to find my national league thread, national team thread in one space, together with other threads i was interested in.
Its a real pain today to go and look for the last updates.