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Англиски >> Прашања

Fixed features (8)

ua Kristaps >> Вторник Април 2 - 12:16
Hi. What is maximum of fixed features. Talent - 5, Endurance - 5, Speed - 5, Power -5 or more? I asked because I have player with talent 5.05!
ua Kristaps
lv SK Liepājas Metalurgs
nl Vincent de Boer >> Вторник Април 2 - 12:46, Уредено Вторник Април 2 - 12:48
There is no maximum, though over 5 is very high! What is the level of your youth center? You can get to a maximum of 1 ball over the maximum talent of your youth center level.

The other skills have no maximum, but they usually won't get very high above the maximum for the level of the youth center.
nl Vincent de Boer
Главен развивач
ua Kristaps >> Вторник Април 2 - 13:23
I have only Level 4 :)
ua Kristaps
lv SK Liepājas Metalurgs
ua Kristaps >> Вторник Април 2 - 13:24
ua Kristaps
lv SK Liepājas Metalurgs
ro SpokenReasons >> Вторник Април 2 - 13:28
There is also a chance, a very small one that your youth center will generate a super talent. That will be a player with a higher talent than the maximum talent your youth center will generate.
ro SpokenReasons
nl Vincent de Boer >> Среда Април 3 - 15:23
Consider yourself very lucky ;)
nl Vincent de Boer
Главен развивач
eng James >> Недела Април 7 - 06:29
My level 3 youth players are awful!
eng James
ro SpokenReasons >> Недела Април 7 - 06:38
Ok then upgrade it to lvl 5 at least. They will start getting better and better.
You will get less players but better ones with more options for you in the academy.
ro SpokenReasons