Championnat de Autriche saison 84

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Welcome FC Wurmhausen! (7)

at schorny >> mardi décembre 17 - 17:15
Sadly, FC Voi Gas United and SC Pernegg left us at the end of the season and one bot team made it through :( Sad sad sad.

But something that isn't sad is FC Wurmhausen. They started way down in league level 7000 and are finally where they belong: the first league.

So welcome Richi :)
And may you stay a long time here!
at schorny
at StormZ >> mardi décembre 17 - 17:35
Welcome Richi,don't be like Voi Gas who just came to a vacation into the first league :P
at StormZ
at Richi >> mardi décembre 17 - 19:27
haha ty to everyone :) my goal is to try to stay in the first league. sadly my defense is not the best in the moment but everything is possible ;)
at Richi
at Thommy Lee >> mercredi décembre 18 - 08:32
welcome fc wurmhausen, i think the fight against relegation will be very tough and exciting this season
at Thommy Lee
lu Martin >> mercredi décembre 18 - 17:27
welcome fc wurmhausen :)
lu Martin
at StormZ >> mardi décembre 24 - 13:31
Welcome 北京猿人

new manager of FC Wals-Siezenheim. You will have tough time here but don't give up! Hope to see ya with us for a very long time.
at StormZ
at Kosmo >> mardi décembre 24 - 19:26, Modifié mardi décembre 24 - 19:27
Welcome 北京猿人 !
Im happy to see you in the league, hope you stay and be successful with your new club.

Ps.: looking forward to see your club popularity going up ^^
at Kosmo