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England: World Cup winners - season 32! (24)

eng Stephen >> Четврток Август 17 - 10:25

Hello all

After much thought, I have decided not to stand as NT manager for England for the next period. Good luck to whoever gets the job! As a finale, I will try and win the World Cup...

eng Stephen
Главен админ
eng Seaburn Beach
eng Samuel >> Четврток Август 17 - 11:06

Sad to see you leave the national team Stephen,

You were doing a great job, now you go win that World Cup.

eng Samuel
ro Andrei >> Сабота Август 19 - 19:24
Only one candidate? That's rather slim.

I wonder who that is.
ro Andrei
ro Andrei >> Среда Август 23 - 13:40
And still only one candidate.

Maybe I should give him/her some sort of competition.
ro Andrei
ro Andrei >> Среда Август 23 - 17:15
Oooooookay then.

ro Andrei
eng Stephen >> Понеделник Август 28 - 13:17

Job done. Next!!!

eng Stephen
Главен админ
eng Seaburn Beach
eng Samuel >> Понеделник Август 28 - 13:29

Congratulations Stephen, truly amazing.

I knew you would win, You are a great tactician. 

England are #1

eng Samuel
ro Andrei >> Понеделник Август 28 - 13:32
Job well done, Stephen! The next NT boss will have some mighty big shoes to fill in.
ro Andrei
sm Paisa >> Понеделник Август 28 - 13:33

England is the new world champion. This game is the only place where they can win something. Greetings!

sm Paisa
ar Gauchos de Boedo
ro Andrei >> Понеделник Август 28 - 13:40, Уредено Понеделник Август 28 - 13:40
By the way, England under-20 won the World Cup this year. They didn't need the game to win it. :)
ro Andrei
eng Stephen >> Понеделник Август 28 - 15:58

I have checked with the Palace to make sure it is okay to publish this. They've said it's fine to let people know that Her Majesty the Queen has been in touch with me following today's World Cup win. (She used @Monk's account to send the message, so he is clearly very well connected.) A great finish to a top day:

"Dear Stephen,
It was with the greatest of pleasure that Phillip and one watched England win the World Cup Final this afternoon. Kevin the Corgi was dressed up in his England coat warmer to add to the occasion, whilst Philip waved his England flag relentlessly. In what was a close match one felt the tenseness of the occasion and one even had to have a half time sherry to calm one's nerves. 

Phillip was especially indulgent, commenting that the win "put those continental Europeans back in their boxes again". One's not quite so sure he would have felt the same should Greece have been in the final.

Although one must confess the 1966 win gave one greater pleasure, as it felt like winning World War II all over again, but without the casualties, the enormity of the achievement must be acknowledged, congratulated and rewarded.

It is therefore with the greatest of pleasure that one bestows upon you the order of Knighthood of the Realm.

Arise, Sir Stephen.

Elizabeth R"

eng Stephen
Главен админ
eng Seaburn Beach
nl Koen >> Понеделник Август 28 - 17:49

Awesome! Well deserved Sir Stephen!

And thanks to Monk for passing on such a mesmerizing message!

nl Koen
ro Andrei >> Вторник Август 29 - 19:44
Good luck with the NT voting, Samuel.

May the best man win.
ro Andrei