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Friendly Cup - season 60 - the KCC returns! (21)

ca Alex Seymour >> Вторник Август 3 - 01:17

I'd just like to point out that Canvey Island have not conceded a goal yet in normal time. Surely that makes us favourites.

ca Alex Seymour
ca Hamilton FC
eng Lee >> Вторник Август 3 - 19:39

I give you credit for stopping Seaburn from scoring but I don't think the 3 games against Sunday league opponents count. 

eng Lee
eng Canvey Pixels
ca Alex Seymour >> Вторник Август 3 - 22:00

I don't know. We were up at 8am playing Norwich away in the cup, on the plane to Santiago, Chile for the friendly and back to play Norwich again in the league. All in a day. Marvellous stuff.

ca Alex Seymour
ca Hamilton FC
eng Lee >> Петок Август 6 - 17:29

Congratulations to Canvey Island! Wasn't the final I had hoped for but they scored more goals (and went the whole tournament without conceding), so I guess they deserve it. ;)

eng Lee
eng Canvey Pixels
ca Alex Seymour >> Сабота Август 7 - 01:40

Thank you Lee, that trophy looks nice in the cabinet next to our Div 4 & 5 champions pennants.

ca Alex Seymour
ca Hamilton FC
eng Stephen >> Сабота Август 7 - 06:44

Well done!

The season 61 edition is now open to defend your crown:


eng Stephen
Главен админ
eng Seaburn Beach