Лига Англия Сезон 53

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Season 41 (89)

eng Lee >> Четверг Октябрь 18 - 12:42


I'm the new manager in the league - delighted to make it to the top flight but am realistic in knowing the odds are stacked heavily against me staying up.

Hoping to achieve 1 or 2 wins along the way, so please go easy on me!


eng Lee
eng Canvey Pixels
eng Dragontao >> Четверг Октябрь 18 - 15:27

Good luck. The usual suspects (myself included) are likely to be keeping you company at the bottom. It's a tough league.

eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
ca Alex Seymour >> Четверг Октябрь 18 - 18:13

Ladbrokes are taking odds on which Canvey team takes the bottom spot. It will probably go down to the side that comes out top from the Essex derby matches.

It's like treading water in rough sea this league I can tell you.

ca Alex Seymour
ca Hamilton FC
eng Lee >> Четверг Октябрь 18 - 20:06

News just in.........Canvey Pixels have ordered a shiny new Simien bus - not for the team but to park on the pitch.

"Let's see the opposition get through this!" said their worried manager.

eng Lee
eng Canvey Pixels
eng Lee >> Суббота Октябрь 20 - 11:41

Was nice to start with a win but I have to think it was slightly helped by Dragontao's 2 own goals and a red card (you might have got most of your bad luck out of the way in the first game).

eng Lee
eng Canvey Pixels
eng Dragontao >> Суббота Октябрь 20 - 14:31

When I said "good luck" Lee, I didn't mean that much good luck and definitely not against me! cry

eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
fo BakerMan >> Воскресенье Октябрь 21 - 08:31

Well - interesting start. Got drawn against a 13.20 rated side in European League Q1, drew 1-1 away, drew 2-2 at home so went out on away goals then beat Liverpool 3-1 at home in my first league match. Think it may be a season of ups and downs.

fo BakerMan
sy Al Qamşīyah FC
ca denisgrad >> Вторник Октябрь 23 - 18:07

I'm fearful this European campaign for English teamd will be even worse than last seasons. Bakerman is alrwady out and I only have one good midfielder for Europa League groups. I'm definitely gonna get the last place.

No dissrespect to Norwich but I can't even score against their team and I have 2 12+ strikers while he can while having only one 11+ star striker. Pathetic.

ca denisgrad
eng Lee >> Четверг Октябрь 25 - 16:50

I'm delighted with results so far but expect to be slapped hard in the face by reality tomorrow when I play Liverpool City.

eng Lee
eng Canvey Pixels
ca Alex Seymour >> Четверг Октябрь 25 - 17:34

Lee is a Liverpool fan. I will be checking to see if he fields a weak line up.

ca Alex Seymour
ca Hamilton FC
eng Lee >> Пятница Октябрь 26 - 19:55

I fielded a strong team, and was rewarded with a 0:0 (although this was largely helped by him playing 'settle for draw' for some reason).

eng Lee
eng Canvey Pixels
eng antboy18 >> Пятница Октябрь 26 - 22:22

Dragontao - last place is mine - please stop trying to steal it from me!

eng antboy18
eng Dragontao >> Суббота Октябрь 27 - 11:01

Not a chance Antboy. I'll be setting all kinds of new records down there this season.

eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
jp Natsumi >> Суббота Октябрь 27 - 11:28

My youth centre has left me pondering what I should do next, our latest super talent https://rockingsoccer.com/en/soccer/info/player-1830416 feels like he has the pontential to be a star but that nationalitic quality worries me as our team has pretty much zero england players. Should i begin to reshape the team to accomoidate him, or should I be looking to sell?

jp Natsumi
eng Stephen >> Суббота Октябрь 27 - 12:10, Отредактирован Суббота Октябрь 27 - 13:38

Nationalistic is a hard talent to deal with. It narrows your options. The penalty for not having two other English players on the pitch is -0.2 on all traits. It’s harsh! However, if you can find other quality players, then the trait is much better. You need 4 to make it worthwhile, in my view.

May I also add that you are a lucky sod for pulling two supertalents in less than six months!

eng Stephen
Главный администратор
eng Seaburn Beach