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Friendly Cup - season 59 - Kezza Commemorative Cup (5)

eng Stephen >> Понеделник Мај 3 - 13:28

Registration is available here:


Can anyone stop Canvey Island this time out? Can Tottenham Hotspur get their revenge and go one better to lift the trophy?

Currently six spots still open!

eng Stephen
Главен админ
eng Seaburn Beach
eng Stephen >> Вторник Мај 11 - 20:16

There are now only four spots left to fill  :)

eng Stephen
Главен админ
eng Seaburn Beach
eng Stephen >> Сабота Мај 29 - 12:10

Last day of registration today. 9/12 spots filled.

eng Stephen
Главен админ
eng Seaburn Beach
eng Monk >> Недела Мај 30 - 05:59

Group 3. Ouch! A real group of death!

eng Monk
eng Scammonden Daoists
eng Stephen >> Недела Јуни 20 - 09:30

Congratulations to Monk on becoming the second winner of the KCC! A 3-1 win for his Melchester Rovers over defending champions Canvey Island in the final. 

Registration for the third edition of the tournament now open:


eng Stephen
Главен админ
eng Seaburn Beach