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Final day (5)

eng Cloughie >> Четврток Октомври 16 - 11:16
Nice one Mister Buckley for your vote of confidence.

I have to admit I am glad to still be in this league, because this forum has to be the best on the game... Dragonato you know you are going to miss it! Lets all make sure we get tickets to his games.

Hopefully all you guys will carryon with this forum and a few new ones join in.
eng Cloughie
eng Robbing Hoodies
eng Dragontao >> Четврток Октомври 16 - 13:05
I'll still be watching this division, willing you all on to promotion (and assessing my opposition in case I get relegated lol).
eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
za Mister Buckley >> Четврток Октомври 16 - 13:46
Fuck relegation,that's for losers. And you tao are not a loser...think positive thoughts and remember league one is only the beginning of playing with the big boys
za Mister Buckley
jp Natsumi >> Четврток Октомври 16 - 13:48
I enjoyed role playing with you guys some of you are really good writers.. as for the league itself, got a feeling I might be here for a long time this was my 5th season in league 2 now, will season 13 be as competitive as this year I hope not :P
jp Natsumi
eng Dragontao >> Четврток Октомври 16 - 17:18
Congrats on confirming a play off place Mr B. Natsumi's point against Cherry Coke could allow Bollington to sneak into that last playoff spot.
eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2