Лига на Исланд Сезонa 48

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Season 33 : (4)

fr Blackwhite >> Среда Август 30 - 09:14

We start this season with a victory in the Super Cup (4-2 against Cheetahs).
Our goal is to finish, like all the seasons, in the top 3 of the championship and to succeed a beautiful course in Icelandic Cup

Good luck to everyone smile


fr Blackwhite
Админ на заедницата
fr Les Licornes Blanches
fr rouquin >> Четврток Август 31 - 07:15

hello. Goooooooooooo

fr rouquin
fr Union Bègles Bordeaux
fr rouquin >> Вторник Септември 12 - 20:24

he on peut parler en français personne ne vient mdr

fr rouquin
fr Union Bègles Bordeaux
fr Blackwhite >> Вторник Октомври 10 - 15:31

After the Iceland Cup last season, the Super Cup this season, we won the title of Iceland Champion.
It was a long season with some tough matches.
No big changes coming into the workforce, the finances are not very high. We will launch in a few days the construction of the training center at level 10 ...

fr Blackwhite
Админ на заедницата
fr Les Licornes Blanches