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Season 55 (22)

fr rouquin >> Вторник Октомври 27 - 18:31

Good luck in your new adventure

fr rouquin
fr Union Bègles Bordeaux
fr rouquin >> Четврток Октомври 29 - 20:05

Welcome to endou 

fr rouquin
fr Union Bègles Bordeaux
nl Upstairsnl >> Понеделник Ноември 23 - 13:04

I have taken over a decent team in Tuvalu. I will play n3xt season in the ocean continental cup. I still have to improve the quality of my team. The biggest issue is that by taken over a team, the quality of the players is ok, the level of the buildings is on a good level, but the biggest issue thatyou will start without personnel. You have to start over that from zero.

my second team is playing in Botswana and will play in the next season in continental cup in Africa. The second team had to start totally from zero, but I am getting about 6 months startersbonus. So, it is fun to work with both teams and I have more possibilities to play continental and survive a few rounds there.

The Iceland NT is doing OK, but as expected, The Netherlands and Portugal do have more quality.

All the best to you all ! Keep up the good work. 

nl Upstairsnl
tv TUV-Upstairs
fr rouquin >> Понеделник Ноември 23 - 13:18

Cool, good luck on your new adventures

fr rouquin
fr Union Bègles Bordeaux
be Frans >> Вторник Ноември 24 - 13:17

good luck with your two new teams Upstairs

be Frans
is Cheetahs
be Frans >> Сабота Ноември 28 - 05:15

congrats for the new championship rouguin

be Frans
is Cheetahs
fr rouquin >> Сабота Ноември 28 - 08:41

thank you Frans 

fr rouquin
fr Union Bègles Bordeaux