Лига на Лихтејнштајн Сезонa 17

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Season 23 (3)

pl RENEgat >> Сабота Март 19 - 08:22
Hey! We begin another season. After a few seasons back to the league 1. I do not think that my club will be a revelation. I look forward to 7-8. Feel free to discuss seasonal!
pl RENEgat
pl ceniu >> Сабота Март 19 - 11:03
I expect the next 3 place
pl ceniu
pl Arsenal KFC
pl Katian >> Сабота Март 19 - 14:32
It's so sad to know I will be the second one :( But I'm not leaving yet. Hope to see another teams stronger in our league. I'm interested in Szumi decision about going up or not. I think he should stay in 2 league for next season to gain a lot of money (RENEgat had third income from TV in our country). Congrats for Ceniu for 3 place and RENEgat for being the best one in 2 divison.
pl Katian
pl Biały Legion