Лига на Зимбабве Сезонa 17

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I hope you elect me as Zim national team manager (3)

hk 越秀波会 >> Среда Ноември 27 - 14:26
I have great devotion to this soccer manager game. Zimbabwe will be my forever fortress. I hope you elect me as Zim national team manager. My goal is to lift her rank to higher and higher place. In the visible future, just like the ancient African ancestors did, I will lead her out of Africa!
hk 越秀波会
zw INTER Zanetti
zw Sergio >> Недела Декември 1 - 18:23
kkkkki dude you now starting to sound like Napoleon on the Italian Campaign with his motivational skills. anyway you have my vote pal, i even hope we can atrract more managers to Zimbabwe
zw Sergio
us puckett0713 >> Вторник Декември 3 - 06:39
I will have all my friends vote for you. Sergio ask all your VIP friends to vote for him to help us along.
us puckett0713