Forum: Engels rss-feed

Dit is het algemene discussieforum voor Engels. Je moet in dit forum dus deze taal gebruiken. Berichten in een andere taal kunnen zonder verder bericht worden verwijderd. In dit forum zijn verschillende categorieën, neem even de tijd om uit te zoeken waar jouw bericht het beste past. Voor Bug meldingen kun je terecht in het speciale bugmeldingen forum.

Engels >> Suggesties

Vastzetten New special attributes (231)

pl MAT >> dinsdag oktober 31 - 11:38, Bewerkt vrijdag december 22 - 12:21


* perfect sportsman I - cost (upkeep) +25%, solid-fix +0,5 balls and technical ability +0,25 (not bonus for tactic), max training points cost = 90%

* perfect sportsman II - cost (upkeep) +50%, max training points cost = 90%

* nasty - when he is fouled, increases the chance a foul on oposite player

* envious - when playing on the field with popular player, then he be playing worst (inferior) match. If popular player seat on the banch, this player playing best (better) match.

* neglectful - more often mistakes

* tolerant - the opposite of nationalist

pl MAT
dk Mystic Warrior Copenhagen
pl MAT >> woensdag december 20 - 12:33, Bewerkt vrijdag januari 18 - 09:59

I created a survey for the special attributes after the last update (game), proposed by me:

Contemptuous - He play worse against weaker team by 0.5 stars, according average stars of the rival team - natural

Headstrong - receive smaller penalty to skills from fatigue - natural

Envious - when playing on the field with popular player, then he be playing worst (inferior) match. If popular player seat on the bench, this player playing best (better) match. - natural

Slowly - Receive penalty to speed. - natural

Accustomed - Player on begin game receive penalty 20% to skills, and during game increase skills until 90 minute game = bonus 20% to skills (in extra time bonus is stabili). - natural

Long passing - receive bonus to passing. If player passing ball across more than 1 sector - trainable

Mascot - If this player plays in the match (not counting frendly matches). The sponsor pay (cover cost) him salary for the given weekend. - natural

Straw enthusiasm - skills player decrease by 25% faster in time in comparison to others players on same position (visible from 21 years). - natural

Charismatic - If play in first 11 increase attendance in match by 5%. - natural

Optimist - twice the chance of getting morals above 0 - natural

Foreseeing - move first or second movement depending on the situation that is more favorable to him - natural

Pessimist - twice the chance of getting morals below 0 - natural

Muscular - receive bonus 1 ball to strenght (power) - natural

Lubber - Receive penalty 0.75 balls to tactic and slower learn special attributes. - natural

Energetic - Slower loses energy during the match. - natural

Neglectful - more often he have mistakes - natural

Play body -Player receive bonus to power and duel, when fighting about ball with other player or when dueling 1 on 1. - Trainable

Tolerant - +0,15 on all trainables per 5 players with the other nationality in their team on the field. -0.3 if there are less than 5. - natural

Black sheep - gets less passing from his teammates - natural

Talented - cost training all ability decrease 10% - natural

Nasty - when he is fouled, increases the chance a foul on oposite player - natural

Tactic - Player receive bonus to tactic according to the formula: 0.5 tactic* (experience position/1000) - trainable

Fearful - He play worse against stronger teams by 0.5 stars, according average stars of the rival team - natural

short-sighted - worse defends distance shooting (GK) - natural

Longevous (Longevity) - skills player decrease by 25% slower in time in comparison to others players on same position (visible from 21 years). - natural

Technical shoot - Player more often hits in goal light - trainable

Jinx - have more chance to shoots own goal - natural

Power kick - in momet putting a shot or passing his strength increases by 2 balls. - natural

Bargain hunter - by 25% greater chances of putting shooting or dueling with Goalkeeper 1 on 1 (If he play on position center striker) - natural


link vote:


Who added vote please written below in forum. Vote will be end in 31 dec 2018


It is not on the voting list:

bodybuilder - impact during time on power reduced by 50% - natural

triathlete - recive bonus 1 ball for power, speed, stamina - increase chances of injury - natural

veteran - (visible from 28 years) receives a double bonus from experience - natural

peak form - (visible in random years) main skill of the player is increased by 1 ball (effect during time = one season [max 3 times return for one player]; stopped effect = the ability disappears from view) - natural

apathetic - he faster loses energy during the match, penatly for receiving pass - natural

assistant - receive only half the penalty for assistance, small bonus for passing - natural

calm - less often fouls, a more chance of winning a duel in the penalty area - natural

saltatory - with crossings has twice the chance of winning a heads duel, not applicable corners - natural

ritualist - each full match played gives +0.01 balls to the skills you train - max 0.75 balls, does not apply to fixed. Pause in the match rhythm takes the entire bonus received, regardless of the reason. - natural

Savage - more chance for a yellow and red card, suspension for a red card 2-3 times longer, better tackle and fights better in duels, a large increase in the chances of an opponent's injury during the duel - natural.

Short Passing - greater chance of winning position for shot by short play (short passing) - natural or trainable?

Impatient - longer you do not score an assistant or goal, the more often try to cross or give shots - natural

Unconventional - Uses from one to three random special attributes. List random: Correct, Penalty specialist, Sprinter, Penalty stopper, Shielding, Corner stopper, Dribbler, Set pieces specialist , Setting walls, Playmaker/Winger, Man Marker, Sharpshooter, Versatile, Long shots, Poacher, Freestyler, Dirty, Intelligent, Determined, Aggressive, Selfish, Team player, Unpredictable, Roaming, Agile, Concentrated, Creative - natural

daredevil - he recive bonus for offensive skills when team play strategy: play to win, go for big win. Or penetly when play: Settle for draw, minimalize defeat - natural

Stoic - he recive bonus for defensive skills when team play strategy: Settle for draw, minimalize defeat. Or penetly when play: play to win, go for big win - natural

Chaotic - when playing a counter-attack or go for quick lead, do not receive a penalty - natural

aplomb - its effectiveness is not affected by tactics (always best possible), every minute without a goal in the match increases his shot during the match by 0.005 balls/min - natural

pretenders - If he is not the best player on the team, he gets 10% more experience from training and matches. Otherwise, 10% less. - natural

pl MAT
dk Mystic Warrior Copenhagen
pl MAT >> vrijdag januari 26 - 10:20, Bewerkt zaterdag februari 17 - 10:26

Results vote in Poland forum:


1. Longevous - win, first position (accepted 100% - positive)

2. Energetic (accepted 100% - positive)

3. Talented, Headstrong

4. Technical shoot, Optimist, Pessimist

5. Long passing

6. Straw enthusiasm 

7. Slowly

8. Play body, Power kick, Bargain hunter

9. Charismatic

10. Muscular, Contemptuous

11. Accustomed

12. Jinx


13. Mascot


14. Fearful

15. Short-sighted, Nasty

16. Black sheep

17. Tactic, Lubber 

It is not on the voting list in poland forum:

bodybuilder, triathlete, veteran, peak form, apathetic, assistant, Envious, Foreseeing, Neglectful, Tolerant, 


Vote English forum will be end in 31 dec 2018

link vote:

pl MAT
dk Mystic Warrior Copenhagen
pl MAT >> woensdag februari 28 - 13:58, Bewerkt woensdag februari 28 - 13:58

Ranking vote list (special atributes) on February:

1. Longevous, Energetic, Charismatic, Fearful, Lubber, Talented, Muscular, Long Passing, Mascot, Jinx (100%)

2. Play Body, Tactic, Straw enthusiasm, Slowly, Headstrong, Short-sighted, Technical shoot, Contemptuous, Black Sheep, Optimist, Pessimist, Power Kick, Bergain Hunter, Accustomed, Nasty, Envious, Neglectful, Tolerant, Foreseeing (67%)


Vote English forum will be end in 31 dec 2018

link vote:

pl MAT
dk Mystic Warrior Copenhagen
no Lied >> zaterdag april 14 - 05:48


Gets a 0.3 bonus to all attributes the first year after a transfer, 0.15 the second year, -0.15 every year after.

no Lied
eng Dragontao >> zondag april 15 - 11:38

At what age would it kick in Lied? They'd be useless after the first two seasons as a youth player and on the transfer market every couple of seasons, so most would end up sold to the bank very quickly and any from low level YC would.t be worth giving a contract to. 

eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
no Lied >> maandag april 16 - 07:14

Youth players are already useless until they are good enough for the first team or good enough to be sold. A player like that would only serve as a temporary investment for whoever buys him.

no Lied
cn 五星红旗迎风飘扬 >> maandag mei 7 - 11:08

It's no use in this suggestion. Even if the machine is turned over to the English forum, it is good to disgusting the bear.

cn 五星红旗迎风飘扬
eng Dragontao >> maandag mei 7 - 12:45

Google translate fail?

eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
pl MAT >> maandag mei 7 - 21:09

Ranking vote list (special atributes) on April:

1. [100%] Longevous,

2. [86%] Energetic, Long Passing,

3. [71%] Talented, Muscular, Jinx

4. [57%] Charismatic, Fearful, Lubber, Headstrong, Contemptuous, Power Kick, Mascot, Accustomed,

5. [less than 50%] Play Body, Tactic, Straw enthusiasm, Slowly, Short-sighted, Technical shoot, Black Sheep, Optimist, Pessimist, Bergain Hunter, Nasty, Envious, Neglectful, Tolerant, Foreseeing


Vote English forum will be end in 31 dec 2018

link vote:

pl MAT
dk Mystic Warrior Copenhagen
eng Tottenham Hotspur >> woensdag juni 6 - 06:55

Before we have a whole new load of special attributes, how about a list of current ones? I've mentioned this before but I had 3 players in my youth centre each having a different attribute - short, nationalistic and selfish. Hovering over them before offering them a contract shows me *nothing*! Is this an ongoing bug? I should be able to see *before* offering a contract surely? Why no list of current ones as I say? This is frustrating. I can take a wild guess what each one of these might be but help says hovering over these special attributes should display what they are but it doesn't! So can we get this fixed before a whole load of new ones are added please? Thanks.

PS there's no such word as Longevous. :)

eng Tottenham Hotspur
nl Losing >> woensdag juni 6 - 08:59

Here is a full list of all specialties, in the questions forum. There you can check all three of them:

nl Losing
pl MAT >> woensdag juni 6 - 14:08, Bewerkt woensdag juni 6 - 14:12

@Tottenham Hotspur

longevous - this word exist :D

Long times ago I found here:


pl MAT
dk Mystic Warrior Copenhagen
eng Tottenham Hotspur >> woensdag juni 6 - 15:45

Losing, thank you. I will look, although as usual I always search before starting new threads or reviving older ones. :)

Mat, yes ok my apologies, it does exist but mostly with regards to animals and it's a very rare word - longevity is one more commonly used but as an adjective rather than a noun but hey ho. Just need to get the bug sorted out as I say first, although so far only 1 seems to agree but give it time. :D

eng Tottenham Hotspur