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Engels >> Competities

League of the Philippines/NT of the Philippines (1416)

ua Garfman >> dinsdag juni 16 - 07:06
Hi guys, I started this topic so we can discuss all things related to the Filipino league and the Filipino NT. I will kick off this discussion by asking you all two questions: who do you think will win the league this season? And secondly: who do you consider the best player in the history of the Filipino league/NT?
ua Garfman
Hoofd communitybeheerder
ph Garfman FC
ph Flora >> dinsdag juni 16 - 07:22
ph Flora
ph Holy Flora
ph Roldan Payusan >> dinsdag juni 16 - 07:23
I think holy flora will be the league champion :D but if u win all matches i think u can do it :)
ph Roldan Payusan
ph GenSan City FC
ua Garfman >> dinsdag juni 16 - 07:41
Haha, I also think that Holy Flora will become the League Champion. My team is not strong enough this season.

Why did you leave the Filipino League, Roldan? We need more Filipino managers to make our league strong :-(
ua Garfman
Hoofd communitybeheerder
ph Garfman FC
tr Mavi >> dinsdag juni 16 - 07:50

best player ever in filipino league :) every single match he is playing great for my team, i admire him.
tr Mavi
ph 保级队求轻虐 >> dinsdag juni 16 - 08:20
wow~For the league champion this season,Flora will be the favorites to win,and you also have chance to win the title for there are still 16 matches.And I will try my best to be the third place.
For my team I still have lot work to do.I have been in Filipino League about 5 seasons,I improve my team a lot,but not strong enough to fight for a champion, my DCs are elder,and the youger one are still too weak,my goalkeeper is also my weakness.Sometimes even don't how to run my team.haha !
ph 保级队求轻虐
ph Jacko >> dinsdag juni 16 - 08:31, Bewerkt dinsdag juni 16 - 08:36
One day we will be there, think i got a long wait lol

In answer to the question Holy Flora
ph Jacko
ph Sliv >> dinsdag juni 16 - 08:35
I think I'm gonna be champion!

Or maybe Holy Flora or Garf.
Seems like Flora has taken over Garfman's reign...
I do hope for more top players to compete with these 2.
Manila FC seems to be growing well, but is still far behind.

For me, it's a long breath, slow play future in League 2 probably.

All I hope for is to deliver a good player to the NT once in a while. That would make me happy enough :-p

Enjoy the rest of the season!
ph Sliv
ph Bambam >> dinsdag juni 16 - 08:56
Yes it certainly looks like Holy Flora, it would take a few upsets to stop them now.

With my team progress seems so slow, if we get promotion the teams in the higher division are all so much stronger then us, still not doing bad for a female in a mans world he he he.
ph Bambam
ph Roldan Payusan >> dinsdag juni 16 - 09:23
Garfman,I will be back soon in the philippines hahaha.
ph Roldan Payusan
ph GenSan City FC
ph Roldan Payusan >> dinsdag juni 16 - 09:28
My team in the philippines is so very weak :( i need strong players help me haha..i will be back in the philippines later
ph Roldan Payusan
ph GenSan City FC
ua Garfman >> dinsdag juni 16 - 09:50
@Sliv, yes indeed, I even think Holy Flora will be ruling the Philippines for the next few seasons. This has been a calculated step on my part, though, because my YC10 players are starting to reach maturity. I want to give them as much experience as possible to optimize their development, so I can try and challenge for the Asian CL title in the future. This will require a bit of patience on my part, though, and perhaps a lack of trophies for a few seasons.

@Roldan I hope your plan works, because I think stronger managers will only make our league stronger.

@Nancy I think what you need to start doing is to develop your facilities, and start making your team younger, so you can really do well in the top league in the future. And yes, you're achievements are quite amazing, and something that makes me happy, because having more women playing this game only makes it more rich and challenging.

@Mavi He's awesome. I was sad to let him go, but I have no doubt that his replacement is going to be even more amazing :-)

@Jacko I hope so....and if we all contribute by training amazing players, who knows....we can one day achieve the dream of reaching a World Cup, or even the Asian Championship.
ua Garfman
Hoofd communitybeheerder
ph Garfman FC
ph 伊苏 >> dinsdag juni 16 - 09:52
The first home of the season to see if FLORA can not remain stable.
ph 伊苏
ph 伊苏 >> dinsdag juni 16 - 10:21
FLORA see my check today.
ph 伊苏