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Anglais >> Discussion générale

Export to CSV for all teams (4)

es carsu >> samedi juillet 20 - 16:49

I've realized that it's possible to export the information about your own players in CSV format, but I don't found the way to do the same for another teams, is that possible? In case not, why? As far as I can see, the information extracted is also public for another teams
es carsu
de Eintracht Frankfurt
ua ... >> dimanche juillet 21 - 07:10
Hi Carsu,

In my opinion this shouldn't be enabled either. We already have complete visibility on all the abilities of all players of all our opponents, if we could also export these abilities in a CSV file, then I'm afraid it becomes too much a mathematical thing, if you start comparing and working with these abilities in Excel or other tools.

I think there has to remain some kind of uncontrollability in the game...
ua ...
nl Abe Bodaan >> dimanche juillet 21 - 07:39
Where can you download the csv for tour own team?
nl Abe Bodaan
cw Meteora
fr Tompot >> dimanche juillet 21 - 08:06
Abe bodaan : On your players' page.

I agree with Errennu, let's keep a part of "hand" and brain work instead of computerizing it all.
fr Tompot