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How bad is the 'Roaming' attribute if a forward has it? (4)

in Mr. Arpit >> donderdag april 2 - 09:37

How bad is the 'Roaming' attribute if a forward has it?

in Mr. Arpit
in Thundering Pune

(have u ever tried to pass a ball to striker and always notice his at your back too often,)

your striker just keep moving out of position, and you know we need every opportunity to score a goal in this game.

eng Kay >> donderdag april 2 - 12:07

It depends what position you play him in. I find Sweeper, Central Defender, Defensive Midfielder are quite good positions for someone with roaming specially if you add long shots, you will probaly find them poping up with the odd goal. However i would not use them for Defensive Centre Back, Central or Wide Mids and certanly not a Forward, Central, Left or Right.

eng Kay
ss Deim Zubeir
il Numpty >> donderdag april 2 - 13:35, Bewerkt donderdag april 2 - 13:36

Roaming is mostly a negative attribute as it means the player is not always where you want him to be. Occasionally being out of position can be a benefit - but only if they have the right specials. 

I would sum Roaming up like this:

Keepers - makes no difference

Defenders: possible positive and negative effects 

  • defenders with longshots and/or versatile benefit from going forward
  • potentially dangerous, especially for central defenders, as they might not be in position when needed and you may concede goals

Midfield:  these tend to wander around anyway, so may have less effect than on other positions

  • potential dangers are midfielders trying to tackle in the penalty area
  • DMs leaving the defence is less of a risk than absent defenders 
  • attacking mids would be less effective going forward if they go missing


  • likely to score fewer goals if they don't stay up front
  • no obvious danger

On balance, I'm inclined to think the best use is as a full back/wing back with longshots and versatile.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets