Forum: Engels rss-feed

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Engels >> Algemene discussie

Multiaccounts (6)

pl Tomplus >> dinsdag februari 12 - 21:51
When will be resolve problem with this same people in differents a clubs?

I see in my league multiacc.
pl Tomplus
pl Sarmacja Będzin
nl Vincent de Boer >> woensdag februari 13 - 07:54
We are very active in checking multi's and banning them, but nevertheless we can't find them all.

You can report a suspected multi by sending a message to the account "Admin" or to me.
nl Vincent de Boer
pl Tomplus >> woensdag februari 13 - 11:43
So when is SENT MESSAGE in section: ??
pl Tomplus
pl Sarmacja Będzin
nl Corniel >> woensdag februari 13 - 12:12
Well, you can click on the envelop right from [Vincent de Boer].
nl Corniel
pt Bob The Builder >> woensdag februari 13 - 22:55
I have a friend who wants to join the game, and he registered in the computer where i go just sometimes, in other house, and it will probably appear with the same ip.
I would like to know if he can play or if he has do delete the account, because he hasn't received the e-mail yet and I think that it is because of that.
pt Bob The Builder
nl Vincent de Boer >> donderdag februari 14 - 07:55
He can play, it's no problem to play with multiple people on the same IP.

If he doesn't receive an e-mail he can go to account -> email to check his settings and send a new confirmation mail.
nl Vincent de Boer