Competitie van Finland seizoen 62

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New in Finland (4)

nl Danh >> maandag juni 3 - 12:22
Hey all I am new in Finland I do not speak finnish.
I joined this league cause i wanted to play on a higher lvl then 4.4 Netherlands.

My goals are to stay in highest league and eventually conquer a european spot.
I focus on youth a lot but I will keep some old stars to keep quality in the team for now I think I must be able to get toptalented youngsters to join me and I don't need the current oldies anymore.
nl Danh
fi Roope >> woensdag juni 5 - 05:37
wellcome to Finland ;)
fi Roope
nl Danh >> woensdag juni 5 - 07:06
Thanks I am enjoying it a lot
nl Danh
ph QuaX >> zaterdag augustus 3 - 10:04
I am new too in Finland,
I am so proud to be on the 3rd place.
But Finland has a fun
Competition. :D
But good luck Danh :D
ph QuaX