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Engelsk >> Generell diskusjon

Retirement of older players (426)

us Peter >> søndag juni 16 - 15:35

If you have player values set to "Stars and balls," Preston Durrance doesn't even have any stars show up on his profile. His blocking is so high that it breaks the game.

us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
by Andryvs >> søndag juni 16 - 20:27


Just call  keeper up from your U21 team. You knowed Time before that he will retire. Don't say you could not buy a keeper in Transfer window

by Andryvs
by Prussians
pt Marco Carvalho >> søndag juni 16 - 21:18

Still, shouldnt he retire at the end of the season and not when there are still games to play?

pt Marco Carvalho
pt Sporting Clube Portugal

lol i don't understand why did my players retired middle of the season.

pt Marco Carvalho >> mandag juni 17 - 23:55

It happened the same to me.... any explanation?

pt Marco Carvalho
pt Sporting Clube Portugal
hr Kupus >> tirsdag juni 18 - 08:52


hr Kupus
de Regnum Croatorum
eng ipfreely >> tirsdag juni 18 - 14:30, Redigert tirsdag juni 18 - 14:33

No explanation needed - clearly it's not a requirement. If it were, it would be mentioned in the first comment on this thread.

All retirements are being notified about a season in advance, giving plenty of time to buy a replacement. Seems some people just like to moan.

eng ipfreely
vi Lollapa Losers
pt Marco Carvalho >> tirsdag juni 18 - 23:19

What sense does it make for a player to retire 6 games before the end of the season? Im not moaning im just trying to understand. It should be until end of the season and not one random day decides to say goodbye.

pt Marco Carvalho
pt Sporting Clube Portugal
eng Stephen >> onsdag juni 19 - 05:58

You get 43 days notice every time.

eng Stephen
eng Seaburn Beach
ru Ebitimi >> onsdag juni 19 - 06:03

I like the sound of your moaning.... Music to my ears 😂😂😂🫨

ru Ebitimi
bf FC Djibo
pt Marco Carvalho >> onsdag juni 19 - 08:12

Very constructive feedback Ebitimi. It looks like im back in school, being mocked just because i have a question. If you have nothing to say, please retract from making fun of me, i dont know you and you dont know me so please be a normal person and respect the others.

pt Marco Carvalho
pt Sporting Clube Portugal
cn PLAN CV17:shandong >> onsdag juni 19 - 09:29


hi~  I have a question:

In the case of two employees, what level of museum would have higher revenue than catering?


cn PLAN CV17:shandong
mx MXL Luneng Taishan
il Numpty >> onsdag juni 19 - 10:18

You can always bank on this game being realistic.

Can you imagine the conversation with Ronaldo's manager. 

"Why are you retiring before the end of the season? That's not normal. We're at the crucial stage of winning 4 trophies and we need you to play in the last few league matches, the Copa del Rey final and the Champions League final. Can you delay your retirement plans for a couple of weeks."

"No thanks. I'm taking the kids to Disney instead".

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
il Numpty >> onsdag juni 19 - 10:27


Don't worry about the snide remarks. Mockery and nasty comments always says far more about their own character than it does about you. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
hr Kupus >> onsdag juni 19 - 10:30

hr Kupus
de Regnum Croatorum