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Engelsk >> Generell diskusjon

Retirement of older players (443)

tr Q >> torsdag mars 14 - 22:14

It will be fairer game. Say goodbye to your grandfathers . 

tr Q
tr Crimean Tatars FC 1944
cn Ksrma >> fredag mars 15 - 02:58, Redigert fredag mars 15 - 03:13

Wonderful update, thanks. I try to figure out 4 reasons why grandpa goalkeepers appear:

  1. The age factor has a lower bound (10%) when players are around 47yo. After the age factor reaches the lower bound, as long as the team keeps training them, the ability of players will continue to grow (this mechanism works not only for goalkeepers but also for field players, but due to the following reasons, only goalkeepers may benefit from this). 
  2. The block ability is affected by the fourth root of the age factor. So when the age factor reaches 10%, each training increases 0.05*0.1^0.25=0.028 block. This amount is nonnegligible.
  3. Unlike field players, goalkeepers hardly move in the matches, so they can play even though they are very tired. Thus, they can be used even though the endurance is below 0.1, as long as they do not get hurt. Besides, some goalkeepers have the fit feature, so they are not affected by the endurance.
  4. High-level Football Academy (FA) makes it easier to boost block ability of goalkeepers.

Based on the above analysis, there may be other 2 solutions to clean grandpa goalkeepers:

  1. Remove the lower bound of the age factor. Keep decreasing the age factor until it reaches zero. By my estimation, all the players will have 0 age factor after around 50yo, as well as 0 for all trainable features (except Tactics). I think this way would be quite flexible (compared with removing old players from the game).
  2. Increase the influence of age factor on the block ability such that goalkeepers cannot grow too fast after 47yo. This way is a temporary solution because the block ability can still increase. Moreover, this must be a big change in the logic of RS. So I do not recommend it.

I also have some other opinions on the retirement age between 38 to 45:

  1. The range of 38 to 45 is a little too wide. This may cause too much randomness.
  2. With an FA4 (as I have), field players often reach their peak before 35. So the range of 38 to 45 mainly works for goalkeepers. However, with an FA4, goalkeepers will reach their peak around 41yo (regardless of the restart after 47yo). Therefore, goalkeepers may retire before their peak. This must cause frustration. 

Therefore, I suggest that if players should retire, the retirement age may be set to 45, or from 45 to 47. 

As an eight-year RSer, I am very happy that the game could be more active.

cn Ksrma
il דוד >> fredag mars 15 - 07:49, Redigert fredag mars 15 - 07:49

Totally agree with you Ksrma. I think the second option you suggested is better. Because I don't think they will make such a complicated update in the near future. (Or they will)

il דוד
hr The best team
it ENZO >> fredag mars 15 - 08:48

I am very happy with this change. So we will also see the increased value of the defenders, midfielders and attackers who in recent times had certainly been overshadowed by the value and importance of the goalkeeper

tt FC Juventus 1962
it ENZO >> fredag mars 15 - 08:54

a further right change at this time would be to lower the training points for goalkeepers considering that many users will find it difficult to have goalkeepers who will be canceled I think it is right to spend from 13,000 to 10,000 points so that they will have the goalkeeper more quickly

tt FC Juventus 1962
nl Ho_demi >> fredag mars 15 - 09:58

Very happy that this issue is being addressed.

Removing the age factor lower bound as suggested above seems a quite fair inplementation and a natural way to de facto retire players that are too old.

I can sort of get behind the idea of different players having different career lengths, but playing 'retirement casino' for 7 seasons feels a bit artificial and could skew competitions just by drawing a '45er'.

nl Ho_demi
nl VV Bokjes
hr Kupus >> fredag mars 15 - 10:28


Great input and probably what would be the best solution.

BUT, should we really ask the developers to spend more time on this topic now that there is a solution in place or should rather ask them to use the time to fix some of other important bugs or needed changes?

I would vote for the latter.

hr Kupus
de Regnum Croatorum
be jonatandjes >> fredag mars 15 - 11:56

You have to think about the clubs that you've beat abusing this bug.

Cars can go 240km/h as well, while speed limit is mostly 120 of 130km/h max. So you can go over that speed limit, because the car allows you to. But if you get caught, don't go crying about the consequences, just because the car allowed you to go that fast, while you actually shouldn't.

be jonatandjes
be FC Alba
hr Kupus >> fredag mars 15 - 12:19


Quoting Sjoerd "The first retirements will happen near the end of next season. There is some randomness involved, but players that are already older than 45 will retire on an expedited schedule."

So, your statement about this transfer window effects are not completely correct as you actually have 3 windows until first retirements occur. And also, "first" means not all but some.

So, indeed it can have an impact on the transfer market but the net effect of the change considering the normal impact this has will not be as massive as you state.

Enabling 3 windows introducing this now is far better than your proposal having it introduced after the window close and only have 2 windows.

hr Kupus
de Regnum Croatorum
il דוד >> fredag mars 15 - 12:41

In short, the only thing you can do is cry. But things will not change. Even if we make a mistake. Nothing will help because in practice the prices have gone up and it will not change in any way. Therefore it is better to just accept what is there. Say thanks for the good things and don't cry about the less good things. And if you say that I have nothing to do with it. So I also lost from the situation as I was stuck without a goalkeeper and now the prices have gone up and I don't have much money to invest in a suitable goalkeeper for my team.

il דוד
hr The best team
eng Stephen >> fredag mars 15 - 12:53

We can continue to discuss this in a civilised way or I can just lock the thread. People should know the rules about bad language and personal attacks. And I don't see why it should be necessary to attack other users when discussing a change to the game mechanics.

eng Stephen
eng Seaburn Beach