Ligaen i Albania sesong 32

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Season 28 (23)

nl JackCannon >> tirsdag januar 10 - 23:19
Hi guys!
Welcome onuelver.
You say a lot of correct things, I agree.
In these first seasons my goal was facilities' development while trying to stay up in league and trying to progressively lower team age and I begun with no money and no boost period, because I lost my former team for non-logging.
plus, I'm a non vip (I'm vip1 now because of a xmas gift by my friend, usually i'm not), so I'm satisfied and I'm beginning to see good young guys but surely not enough to dream any NT, it will take some more months.
To grow as NT we need more players, hoping on some other second team players, with experience.
I also hope that the other guys will come and share some thought, so everything can become more envolving.
nl JackCannon
be Jeton R. Bardhi >> torsdag januar 12 - 17:43
Hi guys,

Yeah i think as well we should continue developing NT players and try to make more money, push beyond our capacities in order to increase our coefficients in European Clubs Championships, so the Albanian league gets increased in rankings. More managers will come so more money will be in.
Hope guys you will do a great job and so the rivalry on matches will be highest as ever.
be Jeton R. Bardhi
ee onuelver >> fredag januar 13 - 13:28
Just set Albania as second country in my first team. Regular YC9 youths and after a month YC10 youths when they come Albanians have good chance for NT but not when being Estonians because all League 1 and many League 2 teams have already YC10. There are also active league forums and thanks to this some teams understood about their mistakes with youth managing. Our current NT manager(my good friend and teacher) scan all our teams after couple of seasons and count all supertalents hardworking or other skilly players to keep them visible for community so there is less danger that they go lost or very wrongly treated.
Albanian league ranking is falling to last place and we lose one euroleague spot for next season already. It was season 21 when Albanian champion last time passed Q1 of CL. They play against teams from bottom 8 countries in Europe so it should be our main source of ranking. In European league it's difficult to earn any points at all as we get always clubs with better seeding. For me it takes many seasons to qualify- at first i have to get stable top6 team.
ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back
ee onuelver >> søndag januar 22 - 21:12
Changing settings already worked: not bad for YC9 i think.
ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back
be Jeton R. Bardhi >> mandag januar 23 - 08:24
Awesome! You can then transfer him later to your second team!
be Jeton R. Bardhi
ee onuelver >> mandag januar 23 - 16:53
Only for loan maybe some later seasons. Surely i can't buy him to my second team as it's not allowed. Before TC10 and having office it would have no point too. He will stay to my first team until is outplayed by soon coming TC10 ones. My plans are 3 good loans and buy some youngsters and sell oldies. Maybe i can avoid relegation next season. Tomorrow i get stadium-3 and then fanshop-3 and somewhere come catering and then TC7 and so.
ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back
be Jeton R. Bardhi >> tirsdag januar 24 - 11:07
You're advancing in a fantastic pace. Maybe after some seasons you'll be a considerable threat. :P
be Jeton R. Bardhi
ee onuelver >> tirsdag januar 24 - 23:35
I just don't waste too much time. If i can upgrade something i do it. Had some luck too with stadium. I have very good teacher who gave some hints and these worked well for my first team. I try to use new team bonus as much as possible and get ready TC10 before bonus will end. If i waste this time i will never get it back and lose double time.
ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back