Ligaen i India sesong 69

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Which is the Biggest Rivalry in Indian Football? (6)

sm Dr. Arpit >> onsdag august 6 - 09:49
Champs-Bombay FC?
RedDevil-Pune FC?
Champs-Warriors FC?
Mohun-Super Kings FC?
sm Dr. Arpit
in Thundering Pune
in Sri Vatsav >> onsdag august 6 - 15:36
I will not answer anything but wait for others responses ^-^
in Sri Vatsav
sm Dr. Arpit >> onsdag august 6 - 16:16
Champs vs Bombay FC :)
Rivalry going on since 11 years
sm Dr. Arpit
in Thundering Pune
in Ps >> torsdag august 7 - 04:49
Yup ri8 m8 fc champs vs bombay fc..
in Ps
in viktor >> torsdag august 7 - 17:41, Redigert torsdag august 7 - 20:06
For the record, my team was not Bombay Fc till the start of season 3. - I was not on Rs till the start of season 3
Typing from memory so I may be lying about the following stats
---Season 3 Bombay Fc lost to Fc Champs once drew twice in league
(LG-8th), lost in the round of 8 in cup
---Season 4 lost league and cup mtches finished 3rd
---Season 5 lost 3 league matches but won the cup finals (LG-2nd)
---Season 6 lost 3 league and the cup final
---season 7 lost 2 drew 1 no cup(won)
---Season 8 won 2 lost 1 league no cup(R16)
---Season 9 won 1 lost 2 league no cup(R8)
---season 10 won 2 drew 1 legue won cup won scup - wins were because we played just 2 international matches, Champs played more. Won the league because Arko and PS ground out some draws and sri Vastav was not really active.
---season 11 won a close match (Bombay Fc was out-stated in every category)
in viktor
in Air FC