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Angielski >> Ogólne dyskusje

FRUSTRATION (Season 25+) (10430)

de Gerdudonk >> czwartek styczeń 4 - 09:18

Well my keeper is only 30, making (to my mind) a super performance, but having a quite high salary (3,9 million CHF).
I wanted to buy a same GK, very old, and 10+ blocking. They earn much less (this 78yo keeper got only 1,1 million).
Than I decided for the chinese keeper. For a higher price in the next transfer window I would try to sell him, because I could buy some better defenders.
Mid season I could also sell a midfielder. It wasnt planned at all, but than I could buy Mirani and Arcides.

de Gerdudonk
ch ⭐Frutigen⭐Garde Sport⭐
pii >> niedziela styczeń 7 - 06:14
You don't need to worry my gk is out for almost 20 days. The cup is yours.
254m to heal yet will miss the cup and the league game against you.
de Gerdudonk >> niedziela styczeń 7 - 11:23

Sribor is not the only reason, that you are on the top of the table. So lets see, what happens...
League would be more important, but this season no chance anymore to get the crown.
My team is developing step by step. We managed in Europa League from Q1, winning my group, and losing against a better dutch team. L32 is a very good result for my team.
Swiss league is getting more and more competitive.

de Gerdudonk
ch ⭐Frutigen⭐Garde Sport⭐
by Andryvs >> niedziela styczeń 7 - 21:54

White crows are too tough for me

by Andryvs
by Prussians
ru Ebitimi >> wtorek styczeń 9 - 06:11

Yes, I prefer Brown Crows, but if they are not available I can manage black crows with dotted pink

ru Ebitimi
bf FC Djibo
lv 薯片 >> wtorek styczeń 9 - 19:54

How is this fair?!

lv 薯片
br XingLing eSports
eng ipfreely >> wtorek styczeń 9 - 21:23

It's fair because that kind of thing can happen to your opponent. Definitely unfortunate for you this time, though.

eng ipfreely
vi Lollapa Losers
il Numpty >> wtorek styczeń 9 - 23:14, Zmieniony wtorek styczeń 9 - 23:15

Definition of fair

fair (adjective) 

- impartial and just, without favouritism or discrimination

Presumably both teams used the same match engine and all the same probability algorithms.  Neither side were treated with favouritism or discrimination, so yes it's fair. 

Very unlucky though.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
us Peter >> piątek styczeń 12 - 00:01


us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
se socmindmaestro >> piątek styczeń 12 - 09:39

XingLing eSports, it obviously isn't fair for you, since you're naturally showing that you're atleast a little partial to yourself. It might be just, as in justice created, though.

Fairness and justice are related concepts, but they have distinct meanings and applications:

Fairness is about treating people equally, impartially, and without bias. It emphasizes the idea of equal opportunity and the absence of favoritism or discrimination. Fairness aims to create a level playing field where everyone has an equal chance to succeed.

When the goalkeeper rushed out into the penalty area and brought down the opposing player, he had in theory equal chance to succeed, atleast if you remove special training from thought. He also won the fight so it could have been fair to you.

Justice, on the other hand, is a broader concept that includes fairness but also encompasses retribution and punishment for wrongdoing. It refers to the principle of upholding what is right and fair, ensuring that individuals are treated according to their actions and in accordance with the law. Justice seeks to maintain order and protect the rights of individuals by holding them accountable for their actions.

While both principles aim to establish equality and balance, justice is more concerned with the moral principles and ethical standards that guide the fair and equitable treatment of individuals within a society. It is a cornerstone of systems and serves as the bedrock for maintaining social order.

In summary, fairness focuses on equal treatment and opportunities, while justice involves the application of laws and moral principles to ensure that everyone receives their due rights and wrongdoings are appropriately addressed.

Thus it can be said that it was justice served when the referee called for retribution for the action of the goalkeeper that brought down the opposing player in the penalty area, and awarded a penalty against you. However it wasn't fair to you since you were partial to yourself.

As a funny sidenote, or it would be funny if the manager of NEWBI in fact was a recently registered person (sometimes called newbie), because then according to the rules of this site every other manager has to treat that manager nicely and it could have been a nice act of your goalkeeper to on your behalf  give away a penalty so that the recently registered person could enjoy a win. Obvicously this is a funny sidenote because this rule only applies to social conducts such as chatting in the forums.

se socmindmaestro
us Peter >> sobota styczeń 13 - 19:01

You know what, I should've posted a huge block of text like @socimindmaestro to try and push the previous comment out of sight from the admins. If we had been able to preserve that comment, I would consider that an honorable achievement.

us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
ru Ebitimi >> poniedziałek styczeń 15 - 08:17

Yeah a funny side note that ended up not being  funny lol

ru Ebitimi
bf FC Djibo
se socmindmaestro >> Środa styczeń 17 - 00:04

Lol Ebitimi, you're probably right, that's how it goes sometimes. It was funny in my head when I wrote it though, we can agree on that ;-)

Peter, the sentiment expressed in your comment appears to be a mix of regret and a sense of strategic thinking. There seems to be regrets not having posted a large block of text to obscure a previous comment from administrators, suggesting a desire to have avoided attention or moderation. Additionally, there’s a sense of pride or honor in the idea of preserving the other comment despite potential rules or oversight, indicating a value placed on the act of preservation itself. Overall, the sentiment could be described as reflective and slightly defiant, hope I'm right in what I'm reading. I'm not sure why I would want to try and obscure a previous comment from administators, what would be the point of that? Possibly there would be a point if it were to obscure it from members of the forum, however I must disappoint you in this regard. The text is formatted in a way to explain thouroughly the concepts in there, adding a conclusive statement for clarity. The added funny sidenote could of course have been omitted, but the previous comment just above this one shows it had some value and I could also laugh, and maybe others too, one could presume, about it being kind of anticlimactic despite the efforts to the contrary. The preservation thing can be interpreted as you would rather bet your money on a previous comment, which is fair for you, but not for me. Thank you for your comment and I hope this clarified any misconceptions you might have had.

se socmindmaestro
us Peter >> Środa styczeń 17 - 00:32

@socimindmaestro a.k.a human thesaurus,

No, I wanted to obscure a comment from the admins, not you

us Peter
us Detroit Blazers