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Angielski >> Ogólne dyskusje

Player Star Value (1)

il Numpty >> Środa kwiecień 28 - 15:58, Zmieniony Środa kwiecień 28 - 15:58

There are (at least) 4 different formulae for calculating the players' star value.  

It'll probably be hard work and time-consuming but I'd like to be able to work these out and I need to collect lots of useful data for analysis. 

I won't go into detail right now but I'd appreciate some volunteers who want to help. This will mostly involve saving up loads of xp and spending it all in one go on one attribute - probably best done with youngsters but it could be any player. Alternatively, players can be de-trained with position training to do the same thing. 

Obviously this may possibly harm any players involved if the training isn't what you would do normally. 

Please send me a PM if you're interested in helping. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets