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Angielski >> Pytania

Youth goalkeeper creation (5)

eng theram1 >> piątek sierpień 23 - 11:04

For more than 5 seasons I have had my preferred recruitment settings in the youth academy set to position goalkeeper for both my clubs. I have yet to get a single keeper so end up wasting my money signing youth keepers in the transfer market. 

Am I doing something wrong? How do I get youth goalkeepers?

Thank you

eng theram1
eng Haverhill Rovers
il Numpty >> piątek sierpień 23 - 15:48

Probably the most frequently asked question on the forum. 

If you look at your latest player you will see that his keeper experience is 124 and zero for the other 3 positions. 

This is what you get when you ask for a keeper. All your other youths were also keepers. 

What you are doing wrong is not training them as a keeper - you need to give them Blocking training and play them in goal.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eng ipfreely >> sobota sierpień 24 - 20:27

Yep - to add to this, that same guy was marked up as a striker because he was randomly assigned 0.25 scoring and only 0.1 blocking. Train him in blocking and he'll quickly become a GK.

eng ipfreely
vi Lollapa Losers
ee onuelver >> niedziela sierpień 25 - 05:26

In higher level YC you can train any player to any position with quite short time. This is good to know avoiding wrong training because original position was given different (selfish should go to forwards and team player to midfield). 

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back
eng theram1 >> niedziela sierpień 25 - 13:22

oh thank you all for this! 

eng theram1
eng Haverhill Rovers