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Angielski >> Ogólne dyskusje

Transfer bug (6)

nl R >> sobota marzec 30 - 08:20
I just made a bid on a dutch player, and it shows another bid of a team in Belgium. I understand that they give Belgium the same language as Dutch, even though half of Belgium speaks French, but also the country is stated as Yes for him.

I wondered why this is the case.
nl R
ug Hakuna Matata
be Jonas >> sobota marzec 30 - 11:59
The regular Belgian can speak both Dutch and French, sometimes even German because that too is an official language in Belgium.
be Jonas
sk mat4 >> sobota marzec 30 - 13:26
He probably has two dutch players in his team.
sk mat4
nl R >> sobota marzec 30 - 18:37
Jonas, thats why I said: "I understand that they give Belgium the same language as Dutch".

My actual point was, why is the country also stated as 'Yes'.
nl R
ug Hakuna Matata
be Jonas >> sobota marzec 30 - 22:43
Ahaa, I'm sorry, my bad.
be Jonas
nl Vincent de Boer >> niedziela marzec 31 - 09:23
Then he has 2 dutch players in his team, they might be in the reserves squad if you don't see them.

If you wanted to report this as a bug you'd have to post it in the bugs forum btw. As a question it should be in support/questions.
nl Vincent de Boer
Główny Developer