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Angielski >> Pytania

Available for sale (6)

il דביר >> Środa lipiec 13 - 07:48

Hello there is a way to look at the list of players that are time for sale?


il דביר
il Numpty >> Środa lipiec 13 - 08:07

Just use the normal scout search. 

When you're outside the transfer windows all the "available for transfer" players can be found if you don't set the min/max asking prices. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ee onuelver >> Środa lipiec 13 - 08:29

Well many managers don't use transfer status at all.

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back
il דביר >> Środa lipiec 13 - 08:31

Thanks but while there is no transfer window how is it possible?

il דביר
il Numpty >> Środa lipiec 13 - 09:24, Zmieniony Środa lipiec 13 - 09:26

All players can have their 'transfer status' set using a drop down menu on their profile. 

This is what can be searched for outside the tranfer window. This is what I thought your question was referring to. Perhaps I misunderstood your original question? 

As onuelver says, most managers don't use it, including myself. I just don't find it very useful.

One of the reasons being that the in-game market value bears little relation to the real value so most players have to go through a few rounds of price reductions before getting sold. Therefore it's not very likely that players marked as available will attract any offers from other managers. Some may do, but in my view it's not worth the effort.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
il דביר >> Środa lipiec 13 - 20:05

Thank you

il דביר