Liga Austria sezon 9

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Betting Game - Win thumbs up's :P (2)

at StormZ >> wtorek marzec 11 - 13:14
Okay lets play a betting game,winner takes thumbs up.

Everyone have 100 points to start up,i will put for each bet odds and you just bet as much pts as you want,if win its calculated by odds x pts u staked

So let's go

Best Scorer season 8

R.Schilgen - 1.33
R.Goldschmid - 1.27
J.Wendelin - 1.45
Others - 4.57

Best Assistent season 8

O.Salmons - 1.25
R.Eulenburg - 1.50
O.Kinte - 3.45
Others - 7.00

Clean Sheet season 8

P. Gardlowski - 1.40
J. Conceição - 1.45
R. Moelling - 1.65
Others - 3.20

Number of goals (team)

RB Salzburg - More then 120 - YES(2.45) - NO (1.30)
SC C. Floridsdorf - More then 140 - YES(1.85) - NO (1.90)

Gonna add more later and will edit this post,gotta go now
at StormZ
at Kosmo >> wtorek marzec 11 - 16:21
scorer: 25pts on schilgen, 15pts goldschmid
assist: 30pts salmons
clean sheets: 30pts gardlowski
at Kosmo