Liga Niemcy sezon 23

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Zamknięty Altona 93 have been transferred (4)

cn Loner >> piątek sierpień 30 - 01:49
Hello everyone, I hope you do not mind I opened a single theme to say something. As Altona 93 owners, I've transfer ownership to someone else. So I have told everyone to leave, I'm glad to get along with everyone these months. Goodbye, good luck.
cn Loner
hk Tsing Yu #5
es Odin77 >> piątek sierpień 30 - 19:52
You are a good player, and It is always a shame We let a great player. (Sorry, my english level is low)

Good Luck
es Odin77
de long >> piątek sierpień 30 - 22:24
Great player :/
de long
de FC Bayern München
de niklas17 >> sobota sierpień 31 - 10:41
ah :(
gl for the future loner :)
de niklas17